Chapter 18-Monday

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"Good morning, Cleo!" Bettany said as she saw me walk in the school.
"Good morning. So you know if Grants here?" I asked because he didn't text me back this morning.
"No he's not. I think he's staying home for another day. Didn't you text him?" She asked wondering why I wouldn't have asked him myself.
"I did  but he didn't text me back." I said really wishing he would have answered me.
"Oh. He may have been asleep." She said as we started walking towards the band room.
"Yeah knowing him, he would be asleep." I agreed.
We talked about what happened at the dance, after I went with Grant. Right after we finished talking about that, we reach the band room.
We walked in, and there was Mr. Jamison writing stuff on the white board.
We looked as the board, Mr. Jamison had the order of what we were practicing today.
It was usual stuff.
We stood there for about two minutes, then the bell range. We grabbed all the stuff we need for class.
As I sat down Nixon came in and walked over to me.
"Hey!" He said as he stood in front of my stand.
"Hey." I said as I looked up at him.
"How are you? I wanted to text you, but I didn't have your number." He said apologetically.
"I'm good. And it's ok that you didn't text me, It's the thought that counts." I answered with a smile.
"OK. I'll talk to you later, OK?" He asked as he started to walk to his locker.
"OK." I said with a smile as I turned to my music.
"OK, class, lets get started." Mr. Jamison said as he stood on his podium.
Class was usual. Minus hearing Grant's oboe.
After class I walked with Bettany to her next class.
"So I have a question for you." She said as we walked.
"OK, what is it?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you had a crush on Gavin?" She asked in kinda a nervous tone.
"Ah....." I said nervously. "Yeah I guess I do. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know I was just wondering." She said with a smile as we reached her class. "I'll texted you later."
"OK." I said as I waved.
I walked out of the school, kinda happy I told Bettany about my crush.
I got in the car and went home.
When I got home I went straight to my room.
When I got to my room I pulled my phone out and texted Grant.
'Where are you?'
I took my shoes off after I sent that.
'I had a killer headache this morning so I had to go back to the doctor.' As I read that it made me very sad that he didn't feel good.
'That sucks. Do you think I'll be able to see you soon?' I sent hoping the answer was yes.
'Not today at least. I can't see anyone in till this headache goes away. Witch the doctor said it could not go away for a day or two. Sorry.' I now he really wants to see some one other then his mom, dad, and sister.
'That's ok. I'll visit the minute the minute I can.'
'Well then I'll try to get better so you can come and visit me.' I smiled at my phone because he wanted to see me.
'You do that. I really want to see you!' I replied truthfully.
'Yeah. So I have to go but I will talk to you later. And tell you the minute you can see me.'
'You better text me the second I can see you. Bye!' I sent sad that he had to go.
'Ok, the second. Good bye Cleo.' He always says 'good bye Cleo', it's never just good bye. I don't know why he does that, but he always does.

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