Chapter 37. ( The firstborn )

Start from the beginning

'Then don't go.' This time Edward said it and he looked at her pleading.

It was almost too hard to deny his sorrow filled eyes.

'I have to.' She repeated softly, they heard that from her before. 'I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't.'

'Bella is right. We have to protect Liam.' Carlisle said quickly. 'Alice, do you see something?'

Alice shook her head.

'The wolves are determined to follow her, so our future is unclear.'

'Can't you shield us?' Emmett asked.

For a moment she remembered their battle with Aro and how she shielded them all. It hurt her even to think about it. She practiced her shield since that day, but it was not nearly powerful enough.

'I can't shield all of you the whole time, don't you remember what happened last time I did that?'

'Uhm yes, stupid idea.' Emmett muttered.

Bella suddenly felt restless.

'I am wasting time. Every minute I wait, I risk Maria torturing Liam again. I have to go!'

'We will all go.' Edward said quickly, taking her hand.

Bella nodded, feeling relieved they were doing something. She walked to the door, followed by the Cullens, when Sam stepped in front of the door, barring her from it.

Edward growled.

'Move out of her way!' He ordered.

'We can't let you go.' Sam said firmly. 'We can't let you risk your life, our whole tribe and many others for one boy.'

Jacob and Quil backed Sam up. In the yard they heard the other wolves howl.

'I have told you before!' Edward said angry. 'She is not your property! Move out of the way, I won't ask again.'

Bella didn't wait until it got out of hand. She didn't have time for a domestic struggle. She stepped in between Edward and Sam.

'I know that my dream just now hurt you all immensely.' She gave Sam a look, daring him to deny it. 'If I don't do this, Maria will torture Liam even more and I will be the one to feel it and with me so will you.'

She waited for a moment to see Sam, Jacob and Quil cringe in pain. Only the idea of her being again in that much pain, was hurtful for them.

'We will go and save the boy. You will stay here.' Sam answered.

'No, I won't. It won't help at all if I stay here. Maria will still know all my secrets from you and she told me I had to go, otherwise Liam and his family were going to die. She has other vampires on them.'

Sam thought for a moment and Bella was getting impatient.

'Please, let me pass.' She asked.

'Fine, we will follow you.' Sam decided.

She was expecting that, so she nodded, but she had to make sure she could talk to Maria alone. If Maria felt threatened at all, she would kill Liam.

'You can follow me and stay close, but you have to promise me that you will let me go talk to Maria alone, all of you.'

She looked around and saw all the discontent faces, before they could voice their objections she interrupted.

'I can defend myself and she will not hurt me, it is not what she wants. It is the only way to save Liam.'

'We promise, Bella.' Carlisle said calmly. 'We will split up in two groups, one group will stay close to you, while the other group searches for the other vampires Maria has helping her. Maybe we can free Liam's family and kill Maria at the same time.'

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