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After the previous moment that had happened, the blonde then blinked. She lifted her hand up to feel what had ran down her cheeks. She definitely wanted to cry, but her droplets beat her to it. Lucy was so madly in love that she naturally had a reaction before willingly letting her emotions out in the first place. Feeling shattered; the girl ran home right away while hiding her face. Luckily there hadn't been to many citizens around to witness the blonde in her current state.

Once arriving, she rushed up the stairs, quickly unlocking and opening the door, heading inside and shutting it while letting her purse fall from her shoulder and drop on the floor, soon joining with it as well when she leaned her back against the door, letting herself slide down to sit as her knees were brought up to her chest, hugging them while burying her face in her upper thighs, letting out a sob. She had her moment to cry, sniffling heavily every now and then before looking up, slowly noticing her celestial keys. She rubbed her eyes, and stood up to get grab it, then unhooked one of them before walking over to the bed pulling down the covers, now settling in; she summoned her little silver key friend 'Plue'. The little white snowman looking spirit appeared in her arms, trembling as usual but sensing her feelings before he got here, knowing that he was there to be used for comfort. Plue held on to her arms and tried to caress them gently, though he didn't have to 'try' since his shaking and trembling automatically did it for him.

Lucy simply held him close to her to snuggle and have some sort of company and warmth. She had to many thoughts running through her mind, its was overwhelming and stressing.

"Why, Natsu?... Why, Lisanna..?"

She said to herself in her own mind, feeling betrayed by the two of them, hurting deeply inside.. Several minutes had gone by, with her eyes closed, tears dried up, and only light sniffles to be heard; the celestial mage eventually fell asleep. Plue on the other hand was there throughout the night before disappearing soon after since her magical energy ran out slowly while unconscious. The Heartfilia, despite having her heart broken; was actually having a good rest. Dreaming with her loving, brave salamander, savoring and enjoying the moments she had experienced in the dreamworld. As the night went on, the sun soon rised up in the sky. Lucy had awoken almost as fast as a certain someone did with a happy expression as she looked towards the kitchen with a smile on her face and quickly called out:


Her bright smiled slowly faded away, and was brought back down to the expression she had the day before. After getting no response even after the call out of his name, she realized that he once again was not home. She didn't even know if he came back home in the first place. This made her feel like a good dream could also be a nightmare. The long haired female slowly got out of bed, walking over to the shower, undressing herself before setting foot in the tub. She simply turned on the warm water and let it rinse through her hair and body, standing there staring down at the ground, losing focus and almost blurring out in vision before snapping back out of it. She went on to prepare herself the way should would any other day, except with nothing but a gloomy vibe filling the house. After finishing what she had to do she simply took the final step to the process and looked in the mirror, putting on her lipstick before staring at herself.

"Who am I even looking good for?"

She thought to herself, before a thought came to mind, and decided she would go out to spend some time with her gals from the guild over at their dorms. It's been a while since she's payed a visit to that place that was once her previous home. She got her bag and headed out. This time she didn't feel like balancing on the river side, and she didn't mean to be rude but her mind was distracted on other things and she unintentionally ignored the sailor's usual comment. The birds singing was actually quite a disturbance to her ears this time, and even though it was another bright day, in her mind she saw it negatively. Hopefully spending time with the girls would help her feel more at ease.

Soon after she had finally arrived, and Erza had welcomed her inside as the requip redhead, water mage bluenette, as well as the bookworm shrimp Levy all spent some quality time together, chatting and having fun with their own activities that would make them enjoy their day. Lucy indeed felt a bit of a change and relief, but even so, what had happened that still remained in the back of her head, clouding her thoughts, but she tried to shake them off to at least enjoy this day with them. The Celestial wizard enjoyed what she could of they're last moments of the day playing cards since Erza had begged for them to join her. Lucy had spent the night over and the next morning she said her goodbyes for the day and gave thanks for last night.

"Come visit us again some time Lucy!!"

The redhead waved while the blonde was walking off.

"Of course I will, it was fun! See ya later!"

She replied while turning her head to flash a forced smile before turning back and continuing her path. Lucy was having a battle between her thoughts both positive and negative, in confusion as her feelings were mixed up with each other. It hurt to think and feel the way she did, but she also felt it was time to confront this situation, hopefully having a clear head when the moment were to present itself. Once arriving back at home, she noticed the door was unlocked, making her gently push the door open and slowly entered.

"Hey Lucy I missed you, where have you been?"

She looked forward to meet the eyes of the pinkette that she hadn't seen in a couple days. Did he really have the nerve of asking this to her when he's never even told her once about his whereabouts when he left each morning? His words made her curl her fist as the blonde averted her eyes to the floor, no expression on her face, only a slight tone of seriousness in her voice as she said:

"Natsu... We need to talk."

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