"So," she crooned chillingly. "If you're not together, what's your relationship with Rob? Hm?"

Oriane looked out the door. Robert was gone. It was Shireen who squealed at Scarlett to let her go. "What are you doing?" she was wailing but was paid no mind. Trix, Nix, and Jim all gasped dramatically in shock.

"Shut up, you fools. This hasn't got anything to do with you lot," Scarlett hissed at them and turned her attention back at Oriane. "Talk. Now."

"I only just met him," she answered. It was the honest truth. She hadn't intended anything nor had she claimed any specific type of relationship with him.

"Oh really?" Scarlett let go of her shoulders, only after one last shove. Hopefully, there'll be no bruises in the morning. "Then I suggest you make sure it stays that way."

The other vampiresses crowded the other side of the room and snickered amongst themselves. Their humming was irritating, like a dozen flies buzzing in the distance.

Scarlett flicked her long blonde hair over her shoulder and glared before turning and stalked away.

Well, that was a pleasant experience. Again, nothing compared to facing down the Rosicrucians. Oriane unwittingly shuddered at the memory of the bonfire and the image of Urien taking her to see his master.

Shireen thought that she shivered because of Scarlett and quickly wrapped an arm around her.

"Oh... Oh my... I can't believe she did that," Shireen exclaimed. Oriane was immediately enveloped in a hug.

"Yeah!" Trix, Nix, and Jim nodded and agreed in unison.

Eventually, her arms pulled back. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking wide-eyed at Oriane.

"I'm fine," she said. Her hand was shaking even though she didn't feel particularly frightened of Scarlett. What could she possibly do to her that she hadn't already done to herself? Remembering Tuesday, Oriane knew the Master would come looking for her soon. Nothing a vampiress like Scarlett could ever accomplish. She sighed and repeated, "I'm fine." Wasn't sure if it was for Shireen's benefit or her own. To convince herself for the better?

Nodding, as though reassuring a young child, Shireen kept an arm around her. It wasn't awkward. They were the same height and walked at an equal pace. Fingers brushed softly over her shoulders.

Uncontrollably, tear drops welled in her eyes. Oriane was surprised at the lump in her throat.

Never before had anyone put an arm around her in comfort before, especially from someone she basically just met. It was no wonder that Shireen was one of the most popular girls in the college. She was naturally caring and kind.

Oriane was grateful for her support. She swallowed the lump and held back the tears. It wouldn't do for her to get emotional now. She contemplated heading to the dining hall to meet with Robert after getting the notes from Shireen. But, somehow, she really didn't feel up to it. Debating it within herself, time flew by. Before long, she had arrived at the dorms with Shireen and her groupie, who followed them and twittered amongst themselves from behind.

Shireen's room was on the second floor. A minimalist space with a balcony looking towards the pine forest. In fact, her entire room smelled like the forest what with the windows opened at all times.

"Hm. Where did I put those notes?" Shireen asked herself. Fingers brushed and lifted almost everything on the desk that sat in the middle of the room.

While she fussed, Oriane looked around her room. The brick walls were painted white and were plain, only decorated with a few framed sketches or photographs. The couches on the right sat atop a grey rectangular rug. The dining table was small and round. It allowed for her and her friends to sit around it. But that was about it.

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