I Knew You Would Come Back

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“No TV?”

“Nah, not really a TV person”

He nodded thoughtfully, he was back to his old self he was truly an adorable kid, it’s going to kind of hurt when this all ends.

“You like to read I see” he nodded towards the giant bookcase

“Yeah, I kinda submerged myself into it after I lost Melanie” he nodded and stared at me, I looked away quickly if I let him keep me in his trance I might not actually go through with what I started.

My room was pretty bare, the walls were black and all that was inside was my bed, my desk which had my laptop and my giant bookshelf, anything that contained memories from my past didn’t exist anymore.

“Its okay” he whispered and hugged me tightly, it felt really weird, it’s been so long since I’ve had the comfort of another person. Watching him as he squeezed me tighter I smiled softly, a wave of guilt washed over me when I thought about what was going to happen but I quickly pushed it away, this has to happen.

I hugged him back and ruffled his hair, he whined softly causing me to laugh at his cuteness. If the circumstances were normal I would have considered Max as a real friend, he was the only person that knows that after Melanie died I completely became turned off by girls, not even my best friend knows, I haven’t even spoken to him recently even though we go to the same school, my attention has completely been on Max.

The peaceful silence was interrupted when Max’s phone began to ring, he looked at the caller ID and sighed but he answered it any way. The person on the other line was shouting so loud it was obvious who it was and what he was saying

‘Where are you Max?! You’re not at home and you’ve been avoiding me at school!’


Sighing again, Max smiled apologetically at me before he continued “Erick calm down, I'm with Chris”

The voice on the phone grew louder ‘what the hell?! Are you crazy?! When are you coming home? We need to talk’


“I'm not coming home today Erick I'm staying at Chris’s house, I'm coming home tomorrow”

‘The hell you are! Give me his address I'm picking you up’


“No Erick, now leave me alone” he hung the phone up swiftly before turning his gaze to me “Sorry about that”

“Its okay” I smiled, maybe this was going to be easier than I thought


[Max’s POV]

“Anyone home?” I waited for a response but no one replied “Oh wait of course, no one’s here” I mentally slapped myself and chuckled, I had Chris drop me off early because I had homework I need to do.

“I'm home” my eyes snapped towards where the voice was coming from

The devil.

“How did you get into my house?” my pulse starting racing, I glanced towards the door, should I run? Well if I did I wasn’t going to get very far

“I have my ways” he tried to seem cool but he failed he just seemed sleep deprived, his hair was messy but he still managed to look good. “Max I need to talk to you, whatever Chris has said to you about me has been a lie” he took a step closer resulting in me to take a step back

“How do you know? You weren’t there?”

“I know because if he told you the truth, you wouldn’t hate me this much”

I scoffed “I have many reasons why I should hate you and besides why do you care what I think or not?” I didn’t wait for his answer instead I barged past him and head for the kitchen.

“Wait” I felt the air past my head as he grabbed me and backed me against the wall, staring at me intently

 “I care about what you think because I...I care about you”  

I felt my eyes widen but I couldn’t say anything he stepped closer to me so our bodies were now touching and there was no distance between us, he lowered his head so he was right by my ear, “I’ve missed you Max” I turned my head to the side, I didn’t want to show any emotion but I couldn’t stop the blush creeping on my face,

He continued to whisper his sweet nothings into my ear, and I became angry, angry at myself why was feeling this way after everything he did, I felt myself going weak as his hot breath made contact with my neck

“Max look at me” he whispered softly, I obliged I was too weak to fight back. In a swift moment he kissed me, not fast and rough like he normally did but slow and sensual, like he was savouring the moment.

I was too godamn weak.

Moaning into his mouth, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, playing with mine, it was bliss. I felt his hand leave my waist and play with the band of my pants, I knew where this was going but I couldn’t bring myself to stop him.

[Erick’s POV]

I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I’ve been too lenient with this boy and now he’s ran away, every time he walked away with Chris I felt myself die a little bit more inside.

He broke the kiss and gasped when he felt me touch him

“Wow, someone’s been waiting for this haven’t they” teasing him was one of my favourite things to do, I’ve missed him but I knew he wasn’t going to stay with me after

“Shut up Erick” he muttered sternly as he gripped onto my shoulders with his eyes tightly shut he lowered his head as I held him and stroked him gently, causing him to moan

“l want you to look at me when I pleasure you” I whispered into his ear, he lifted up his head and opened his eyes which were wet and full of need.

 I stroked him harder and faster causing him to groan louder, I trapped his groans with a kiss. He sighed loudly and I knew he was done.

“I knew you would come back to me Max”

His New Toy (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora