With one menacingly glare from him, I was out the door.


Still shaken from earlier, I met up with Connor at lunch. I knew I needed to tell him about what happened and soon. I got on the tip of my toes, trying to find him but it didn't take long since he stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of students so the moment my eyes found his, my arms seemed to weaken and because of this sudden reaction, my books almost fell out of my supposedly tight grip. "Hey sorry I took long" He said breathlessly. I shook my head and smiled up at him, "it was only like a minute Connor" I said. "Sixty seconds too long" he gave me one of his beautiful smiles that even made some girls behind me gasp.

The inside of my stomach flipped as we seemed to suddenly be the only ones in the hallway. The only ones in school. The only ones in the world. All my worries seemed to vanish. It could have been my mind plying tricks on me, but it looked as if Connor was coming closer and the strange thing about it was that I wanted him to come even closer.

"Hey Jade." We both jumped apart and we turned in the direction of the mysterious voice. It was the boy who had asked me to lunch. I looked at him and it took me a while to fully make out my surroundings. I blinked rapidly to regain the english language again, "H-hi um" I eyed him, waited patiently for his name while at the same time, wondering why Connor had turned tense. "Wesley Brian at your service." Wesley saluted and before I can even form a chuckle, Connor blocked my view with his tall form "What do you want." Connor demanded. I sighed and placed my hand on his lower back. Seeming to relax at my touch, I rubbed light circles on his back "it's okay Connor, he's just having lunch with us." He looked over his shoulder and down at me. I gave him a smile as I side stepped so I was now standing between both of them.

"So uh let's go get lunch shall we?" I began walking towards the lunch area, knowing that the two weren't too far behind. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw two feet suddenly standing in front of me. An extremely delightful scent of forest and chocolate mixed in the most perfect combination made every inch of my body come alive. I looked up at the owner and was hypnotized by his silver eyes.

Time stopped and déjà vu hit me like a ton of bricks. "Where are you going" Alex demanded in his Alpha tone. Me being his mate, it had a less affect on me but I still obeyed and answered "I-I'm going to lu-nch Alpha" I said. Just at that moment, the two decided to make their appearance. The tension was extremely suffocating. Alex growled and took a step towards me at the same time Connor did. I felt like a bug compared to their height.

Alex was the first one to break the silence "You can't eat without my permission Jade. So I'll stick around to make sure you don't disobey me." He said with a smirk. I stared wide eyed at him. I turned to Connor and his eyes were blood red. Thankful that Wesley hasn't noticed that these two beings aren't human, he spoke "Can you guys both settle your differences over a hot slice of pizza? I'm starving"

His voice did no affect to their stare off. Slightly scared of what might happen next, I gently tugged on Connor's sleeve of his black leather jacket and on Alex's dark grey V neck tshirt. They both blinked and turned to look down at me. I made a light gesture of my head, signaling the direction of the lunch area. A light bulb seemed to go off in their heads because both grabbed me from my arm and began walking, more like stomping, towards the double doors. Alex on my right and Connor on my left. Both had a different grip. Connor had a sensitive, tight but gentle grip on my arm while Alex had a possessive yet somewhat soft hold on me.

Thousands of pleasant needles were shooting up both my arms. I didn't object because in all honesty, it was something I can't quite explain but I know for a fact I loved this sensation. Soon enough, the four of us made it to the cafeteria where students were still getting their food. Good, at least we still had time.

I looked out the window where I spotted my tree. When they let go of my arms, I headed in that direction. Because Connor didn't eat human food and Alex not liking the school food, they both trailed behind me while Wesley dashed to the pizza line. I sat down under the beautiful willow and you can guess where both of them sat. Yes, one on each sides of me. After a minute or so of this silence, Wesley came back with three pizza slices, a brownie, and a diet coke. Raising an eyebrow at the drink, Wesley shrugged "I'm starting a diet." I smiled in understanding.

The red eyed vampire from earlier took over my thoughts. Connor needs to know, but when do I tell them when I'm surrounded by my mate and a human?

"Excuse me everyone! I have an announcement to make!" My ears perked at the sound of that voice. "Has anyone seen my sister?!" My eyes widened for probably the third time already. "Ric?" I whispered but with his wolf hearing, he heard me loud and clear. A huge smile covered his face while I sat frozen in place. Could this. . . could this be it? "Jadie! There you are!"


Authors Note: Sorry that it wasn't the best guys, but tell me what you think so far?^.^

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