Chapter 25- I can't sleep

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Katniss's POV

Peeta thinks that I fell asleep I think but he is wrong. I know Peeta is asleep because I hear him snoring softly. I could not fall asleep after what Peeta said. He thinks that my body is pretty and he thinks that I am pretty in general. He is wrong. If only Peeta would use his eyes the right way then he would say that I am ugly and fat. I try to fall asleep but I can't. I am still thinking about what Peeta said. It is 1:00 in the morning right now.

*9:00 in the morning*

I am still awake. I have been awake for 8 hours because I called not fall asleep. I am still thinking about what Peeta said. I am then snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Peeta move. I watch Peeta as his eyes flutter open. He looks at me and then his eyes get big.

"Katniss did you sleep at all?" He asks in a worried tone.

"Yeah." I lie.

"Katniss I know you are lying to me." He argues back.

"Come on, you can tell me." He says.

"Peeta I slept the whole night. I just woke up a couple of minutes before you did." I lie again.

Before Peeta can say anything else I get up and go to the bathroom. When I get into the bathroom I lock the door. I am so stressed right now. I then feel something climbing up the back of my throat. Puke. I rush over to the toilet and puke in it. While I am puking I hear a banging on the door.

Peeta's POV

Katniss seems very stressed right now. She just got up and ran to the bathroom. Oh my god! She hasn't been taking her pills. She is very stressed and the pills are supposed to help with the stress. I wonder where she put them.


I know now. She would hide them were nobody would ever look. Her b-bra draw. Great. Now I can go back to being bra boy. Yay. I walk over I the draw and pull her bra's out and I throw them on the ground and sure enough I find the pills there. This makes me very furious with her. I walk over o the bathroom and bang on the door while I begin to shout.

Katniss's POV

"Katniss open up this door right now!" Peeta shouts.

I think he found the pills.

I finally stopped puking so I can talk.

"No Peeta! No. I don't want you to se me right now. I am still thinking about you saying that I was p-" and then I stop talking a I realize what I was about to say. Dammit!

"Katniss what has been bothering you? What did I say to get you thinking? And  you cut yourself off when you started saying a word that started with p. What were you gonna say?" I hear Peeta say and it sounds like he is on the verge of tears.

"P-Peeta I-I can't say because then you will get angry at me and you will l-l-leave me again." I say back to Peeta. I start crying then.

"Katniss I am very sorry for leaving you and I will never do it again. I will stay with you. Always. Now because you say something I might get mad but I will never ever leave you again. I promise. Now you cut yourself off so continue what you were going to say because I want to know." Peeta says to me in a soft soothing voice.

I take a deep breath before I start talking.

"Peeta I was up all night. I was up all night because I was thinking about how you said that I was pretty, but I am really not. I am not pretty, beautiful, I don't have a big chest and I wear boy clothes Peeta. Their I said it. Happy now?" I say to Peeta. I snap the last part though because I really did not want to tell him.

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