Chapter 8- The Swim

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Peeta's POV

It is now after the wedding me and Katniss are staring at the ceiling laying on top of the bed with all of our wedding clothes still on. "That was so fun was it not Peeta?" "That was the best day of my life Katniss. We should get to bed. It is so late!" It is 2:00 in the morning and I am so tired. Katniss and I get into our pj's and go to bed. I wake up at 10:00 in the morning and wake up Katniss."Hey Katniss. This is our last day together before we go on the tour." "No! But I do not want it to be our last day Peeta!" She crys into my shirt. "Peeta are you hungry?" "No not at all. I am still stuffed from last night. What about you?" "Nope."

"So what do you want to do today Peeta?"

"Here get dressed and I have a surprise!"


She gets up and get dressed right away. I get dressed too. "Here Katniss get in my back if you want to see the surprise!" She hops on my back. I walk out of the house and I tell her to close her eyes so she does. "Okay you can open Katniss! Surprise!" "This is so cute Peeta! Thank you!" I took her to  to the lake.

"Come on Katniss lets go for a swim!"

"Peeta I did not bring a bathing suit I will not go swimming in my clothes!"

"You are right. Here I took the beach bag with bathing suits in it for us. Here you changed behind that tree while I get changed behind this tree."

She comes out in her green bathing suit and she looks so darn good. I am just wearing orange swimtrunks. We go over to the water she sticks her foot in it to check the temperature. Before she can tell me if it is cold or hot I push her in and she screams. She comes back to the surface and tackles me.


"I am so sorry Katniss! Sorry,sorry,sorry!"

"Come on lover boy. Here check the temperature with your foot."

I do. I cannot believe I fall for it she pushes me in and she jumps I after me. "Katniss help I cannot swim!" "She swims over to me and take me to the shallow end. "There all better!" We end up kissing for what seems like forever and I love it! We get out of the water. We get dressed in our dry clothes and walk home. The phone rings as soon as we walk in. Katniss beats me to the phone like always.

Katniss's POV

"Hey sweetheart!"

"Hey Haymitch! Do you need something?"

"No just saying you have to get ready for tomorrow."

"Oh okay thanks for the reminder!"

"No problem sweetheart! See you guys tomorrow!"

"Okay! Bye."

"Who was that Katniss?" "It was just Haymitch Peeta. He reminded me that we have to leave tomorrow. We should pack for it. We will be gone for 2 weeks. Come on let's go!" We go up the stairs and start to pack. It was really easy. We get into our pj's and I change in the bathroom again. We get into bed and watch a movie well eating popcorn. After the movie is over I snuggle up against Peeta. I listen to his heartbeat and fall asleep.

Peeta's POV

I wake up to Katniss's scream. She is screaming for Prim and Rue. "Katniss it's okay it's okay. It was only a nightmare." She is sobbing into my shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No. But thank you." We fall back asleep with me holding her. I wake up to a phone call and grab the phone.


"Hey Peeta it is Effie. I just wanted to let you know the train leaves at 9:00 in the morning so in 30 minutes. And the interview got changed to tomorrow."

"Oh, okay thanks Effie.Bye."

I run upstairs and shake Katniss awake. "Katniss Katniss!" The train leaves in 30 minutes! Get dressed!" I then get dressed right away and so does Katniss. We go downstairs share piece of toast and rush to the train station and make it just on time. There are tons of people there, but me and Katniss are the only people that get in the train besides Haymitch, Effie and the stylists.

We are the only ones that get on because this is our private train for going to the interview and giving the speeches about our lives. When we get on the train goes to a private place where it stops for the night. "Katniss the interview is tomorrow not tonight." "Oh, okay thanks Peeta." We all got to the dining room to eat dinner and we just talk about how everyone is doing. It was a nice dinner.

Haymitch gets very drunk so I have to drag him to his room and he falls asleep right away. Everyone then goes to bed at 9:00 because tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Katniss is about to get into bed when I say "Katniss I found something in Haymitches room. Come on!" "Okay fine." We get up and go into Haymitches room quietly. I pull out the box and we start looking through. I see a dvd and open the box up then. It says "Haymitch's Hunger Games". "Oh my gosh Katniss! Let's go watch this!" I see Haymitch starts to move so me and Katniss rush to our room we then hear a knock.

"Guys where you in my room?!" We hear Haymitch scream. "Peeta hide it in my bra draw!" "What?! No Katniss!" "Peeta now!" I do as told so I start digging out her bras and out the box in. Only one bra is then in the draw because the all of the other ones are still out. Haymitch opens the door and sees me holding all the bras. "Sorry wrong time guys!" He shuts the door then.

Me and katniss are on the floor because we ran into each other when he opened the door. All of Katniss's bras are all over me and none of them are on her.

"Come on, get up bra boy!"

"Did you just call me bb-bra boy?" "Yes."

"Great thanks for the name!"

"Sorry Peeta, but you are still on the floor covered up in all of them so I thought the name would be fine. There I am the girl on fire well your are the bra boy." She says between laughing.

I try to act serious but I end up laughing a lot. I get up and put all of it away then. "Um Katniss..... Haymitch saw me with them! What do I tell him!?" "Just say you went in the wrong draw Peeta." "Fine I am gong to talk to him." I walk into Haymitch's room then and start talking.

"Haymitch the only reason I had them all over was I opened the wrong draw." "Yeah of course Peeta." He says sarcastically. "Fine whatever Haymitch." I walk back onto me and Katniss's room and she is already in the bed and we were about to watch the tape were Haymitch won The Hunger Games.

"Katniss is the tape in the dvd player?"

"No it is still in the draw. I am already in bed so I am not getting up to get it. If you want to watch it you get it."

"No! What about last time?"

"He will not come in this time Peeta."

"Fine Katniss!"

I open up the draw dig out her bras again and I am holding them. Right when I am about to take out the box Haymitch comes in again. "AHHH!" I scream. Haymitch sees me then right away, but he does not see the box because it is still in the draw.

I will try to update tomorrow but I might not bc I have school😭😭! But I will try!😘

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