Chapter 4- I love you

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Katniss's POV

"Peeta I am getting really hungry!" "What would you like for dinner honey?" "How about you surprise me Peeta! I will be upstairs taking a nap." Peeta gets up and wanders off into the kitchen while I go upstairs and take a nap. I come down the stairs really quietly and Peeta is standing by the oven. He does not even know that I am awake. I walk up behind him and put my hands around his waist and I like it. "How was your nap?" "I had no nightmares so it was really good!" "Great!"

"So Peeta, what are we having for dinner?" " we are having your favorite! Cheese buns!" I the turn Peeta around so he is facing me face to face and I miss him on the lips. "I love you." "I love you too beautiful." Peeta and I walk over to the dinning room and sit down and start eating."Peeta this is amazing!" "Thanks Katniss!" We finished eating and I am so full I cannot eat another thing! "Peeta it is getting late we should go to bed now." Peeta carries me upstairs bridal style. I then get my clothes and walk into the bathroom and get changed. I walk out and I see Peeta sitting on the bed waiting for me. "Goodnight Katniss." "Goodnight Peeta." I fall asleep curled up next to Peeta. I wake up in the middle of night because I have to go to the bathroom. When I get out of the bathroom I just look at Peeta for awhile. I crawl back into bed and give him a soft kiss in the lips.

Peeta's POV

I wake up very slowly and I find that Katniss is not next to me in bed anymore, and that sorta scares me. I sit up immediately and when I do I see Katniss in her underwear and bra. "AHHH PEETA! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING AT ME!!!?" "Katniss just got up calm down." "PEETA I CANNOT CALM DOWN! CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I do as I am told. I ask her if she is done and she says "yes." "I am so sorry Katniss." " It is fine Peeta. Did you have any nightmares?" No. Did you Katniss?" "Nope." "Good. So Katniss what do you want to do today?" "Can we go visit Effie and Haymitch?" "Yes, of course. Let me take a shower first though." I get out of and walk over into the bathroom.

I am just about to pull down my boxers when Katniss swings the door open. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KATNISS?!"
"Peeta it is called payback." "Haha. Very funny Katniss." I see Katniss's eyes staring at my abbs. "Um Katniss. What are ya lookin at?" "Peeta you are just so cute in your boxers!" She blurts out. Her face turns red and she runs out of the bathroom. I cannot believe Katniss thinks I am "cute" in my boxers.

Katniss's POV

I cannot believe I just said that outloud infront of Peeta. I am super embarrassed and I start to cry. I hear Peeta coming down the stairs and I look at him. He is still in his boxers looking really cute. He come up to me and says "Katniss, why are you crying? Also why is your face so red?" "Peeta I am embarrassed about calling you cute in your boxers." Peeta then lays next to me on the couch for a couple minutes. I wonder what Peeta is thinking about me now after I said that. He must think that I am really weird.

I tell Peeta "You should go get in the shower now." Peeta gets up goes upstairs and gets into the shower. I call up Effie and she picks up with a bright "hello Katniss!" "Hey Effie. Me and Peeta are coming over to your house. I was wondering can we maybe stay for the weekend?" "Katniss of course you can stay for the weekend! But I am very busy today so you can come here tomorrow then. Also because I have a makeup studio I got offered by the Capitol to live there. So I live in the Capitol right now. I will see you soon Katniss!" "Okay bye Effie."

"Uh oh!" "What's wrong Katniss?" I must of said it out loud because Peeta just heard me. "Um Peeta?" "Come on Katniss spit it out!" "Well Effie lives in the Capitol now! And we will be going there tomorrow." Peeta just stands there. "Peeta are you okay with that?" "Yeah as long as you are coming with?" "Yes I will be there with you the whole time and I will not leave your side."

Sorry for the short chapter! It is sorta a cliff hanger! I promise the next Chapter will be longer!!!!

Katniss and Peeta- one year laterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant