Chapter 2- Laughing

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Katniss POV

I hear the bathroom door open up, and Peeta walk out. I then turn around quickly and yell "Peeta close your eyes!" He does as told. " I am changing Peeta!" "Sorry. I will go back to the bathroom and let me know when you finish changing." I watch Peeta walk back into the bathroom after bumping into a couple of things because his eyes are still closed. He then closes the door. I finish getting dressed really fast then.

Peeta's POV

I cannot believe I just walked in on Katniss like that when she was changing. I am starting to feel really bad. I also feel nervous because I wonder if she is going to get me back for that. I then hear Katniss yell " I am finished changing so you can come in now." I think to my self again here goes nothing.

But it should not be that big of a deal I tell myself. She already saw me naked and I sorta saw her naked. I open the bathroom door again and I start to walk out. I can feel my face turning read because it is sorta embarrassing. All I have is a towel wrapped around my waste. I then look at Katniss and she is blushing and giggling really hard. I ask her " What is so funny?" She says " All you have is a towel wrapped around your waist!" It is very hard to understand her because she is laughing so hard at me that she starts to cry from laughter.

I just realized that I have never seen Katniss this happy in a while. It was nice seeing her like this. I then go over to her and give her a full kiss on the mouth. Katniss then falls back on the bed and I land on top of her. I am still just in my towel. We then have to get a breath of air. Katniss says "um Peeta" "Yeah. Is something wrong?" "Yes" she answers still giggling. Oh no, I think to myself. "What?" " you should go put some clothes on!" "Oh yeah sorry about that."

I walk over to the dresser and get out my pj's. Now I tell Katniss to close her eyes and she does. I then put on my boxers and I tell her she could open her eyes. She does and she is staring at my bare chest. I put on pants and a shirt then and crawl into bed with her.

Katniss POV
I just saw Peeta standing in his boxers and it was really cute. I then get into bed with Peeta.

I will be writing more!!!!! I hope it is good so far!😉😘❤️☺️

Katniss and Peeta- one year laterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon