Chapter 13- I'm Okay

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Peeta's POV

I hear Katniss scream "OH MY GOSH PEETA!" "Katniss what's wrong?" "Peeta look at your scar!" I look down and see a big purple bruise around it along with a lot of blood coming out of the scar. "AHHHH!" I scream. Katniss gets up and calls the hospital. "Peeta the ambulance is coming." The ambulance arrived in short time. I am carried on a stretcher. Then we get to the hospital they run me to a room give me medicine and then my eyes close.

Katniss's POV

They just gave Peeta sleep medicine and his eyes shut. I have to wait in the waiting room. Finally a nurse calls my name "Katniss Mellark." I get up and follow her to Peeta's room. On the way to Peeta's room she explains that they did surgery on Peeta to fix the scar on his stomach and back. I walk in the room and see Peeta laying in a hospital bed. "Peeta! Your okay! I thought I lost you forever!" I say between sobs. "It's okay I am right here Katniss." The doctor walks in a couple minutes later.

"Hey Peeta hey Katniss."

"Oh hey Dr. Ann!" I say.

"Peeta I am going to have to take the gown off of you to wrap up your scars. But you get to keep your boxers on."

"Oh okay." I hear Peeta mumble.

"Peeta?" Dr. Ann says.


"Katniss can stay in here if you want her to."

"Yes please!" I hear Peeta say loudly.

Dr.Ann walks over to Peeta and pulls his gown off. Peeta is not really supposed to be moving. Peeta is left in his boxers and his face looks like the color of a tomato. Dr.Ann grabs a bandage. She starts wrapping around his stomach and back. After she finishes she gives Peeta medicine he has to take every night.

"Alright Peeta you can go home now. Katniss can I please speak to you for a moment in the hallway?"

"Yeah sure."

I get up and walk out side o Peeta's room. "Katniss if you notice Peeta is getting cramps, puking or not feeling well please call us. He will probably do that stuff today and tomorrow when you get home. That is okay. If it does not stop after a week please contact us." "Okay thank you very much Dr.Ann." "Sure no problem." She then walks off. I walk back into Peeta's room.

"What was that all about?" "She was just telling me that you might be getting cramps, puking and not feeling well today and tomorrow." I say. "Oh okay. Well come on I can go home now!" He says. Peeta gets up from his bed and we walk to my car. "Peeta I am going to drive because you are not supposed to." "But I want too!" He whines. "Well to bad I am." So Peeta gets in the car and I drive us home. Dr.Ann was right because right when we got home he puked went in the coach and was moaning about his cramps. It hurts me to see Peeta in pain like this.

Peeta's POV

I see a tear trickle down Katniss's face and she try's to hide it so she wipes it away. "Katniss what's wrong?" "Oh uh.......nothing. Haven't you missed being home?" "Katniss stop changing the subject first and second of all you are a really bad list. You are biting your lip again. Come on Katniss please tell me what is really wrong." "Well... It just hurts me to see you on pain like this! Why do such bad things happen to such good people!" She screams well sobbing.

"Katniss I will be okay." We sit there for a while in silence. "So what do you want to do Katniss?" "Let's watch TV!" she says. She gets up and grabs the remote. When she turns on the TV the Capitol channel is on. It is pictures of me on the stretcher getting rushed to the hospital. I see Katniss's face getting really angry so I grab the remote from her and turn off the TV. She then kisses me for a little bit till someone knocks on the door. Katniss gets up to get it and walks into the room with Haymitch.

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