Chapter 12: Begging, Flirting, and Dueling

Start from the beginning

“What is it you big goof?” Layla asked her brother with a smile on her face. Her brother made a face at her before he approached Susan.

“I just wanted to wish you all good luck, and give this back to you.” He said pulling something out of his belt.

“My horn!” Susan exclaimed obviously surprised, before confusion took over. “I thought Caspian had it?” she pointed out in a questioning manner.

“He did, but he gave it to me before the raid. Said he thought it might come more in handy for me now than it would for him.” He told her with a blush rising to his cheeks.

“Ooooo! Jerry has a crush!” Layla taunted earning laughs from all but the two in front of her, Susan’s cheeks turning a light red as well.

“Why don’t you hold onto it? You might need to call me back.” She told him thoughtfully, and in the most flirtatious way possible for Susan. With that she and Lucy set off, and not far behind them Layla and Yvainne followed.

“You might need to call me back?” Lucy mocked as they rode.

“Oh, shut up!” Susan replied, embarrassed.


As soon as Layla and the others had set off, Peter had to get ready for the duel. As he put his armor on, he couldn’t help but think of all the memories he and Layla now had together. Would they still be there when they made their way back to their world? Or would she erase them again? He hoped for the former, and not just for his own benefit, but for Layla’s, Yvainne’s, and the rest of the Wynter’s as well. Layla was so different now from when they had first come back to Narnia. She wasn’t as cruel, nor was she as angry. She seemed to have found her peace in those memories; she found her stability in him.

“Pete.” Edmunds voice broke his thoughts. He turned to his brother, who then solemnly informed him, “It’s time.”


The cheering and shouting was near deafening as Peter and Edmund exited the howe and approached the stone area where the Stone Table had once lived. Carissa and Glenstorm were already waiting for the two others, and on the other side were Miraz and his crew.

They stopped in an archway where Edmund held the sheath out so Peter could draw his sword from it. When Peter did, the cheering intensified, as if the situation had just become real. Miraz mimicked Peter’s actions across the small impromptu arena. Both members of the duel stepped forward, and there was an eerie silence in the field while everyone waited for the first move to be made.

“There is still time to surrender.” Miraz offered the young King as they began to circle each other.

“Well, feel free.” Peter replied watching Miraz closely, trying to anticipate his move.

“How many more must die for the throne?” Miraz scolded as if speaking to a child and not a King who had ruled over a country for many years. This sparked Peter’s anger and frustrations from that day back at the station. He may be young, but he had seen more and done more than any other kid his age! He may be young on the outside, but within he was wiser than anyone would ever suspect.

“Just one!” Peter spat, and with that he had had enough waiting. Peter sprang at the other King and with that the duel commenced.


They hadn’t made it far into the forest before they heard the sounds of other hooves and a call of, “Ride!”

“They’ve seen us!” Lucy called as Susan and Layla gave each other a look. They both knew that the two younger girls had to keep going no matter what. They urged their horses to move faster as they continued into the woods, stopping at a place where the trees were scarce. Both Layla and Susan dismounted their horses.

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