The Hospital - 21

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Lily woke to sunlight filtering through the room. It felt like she had been asleep for years. As if through a haze, she heard voices getting louder and louder. They only came to a whisper but even that felt felt so impossibly loud in her ears. Her eyes felt sealed shut. It took more effort to open them than she cared to admit.

Blinding light filled Lily's vision for a few moments. She blinked slowly and turned her head. Her whole family was there, waiting. She noticed that most of them were bandaged but doing fine. A half smile was all she could manage.

"Is she awake?" Lucy asked in a not so quiet whisper.

"Yeah, I am," Lily croaked.

"Yes!" shouted Hugo! She winced at the sound. "Lily isn't dead! Lily isn't dead!"

"Of course I'm not dead, you idiot!" She shared a grin with him. Lily's mother burst into tears while her father awkwardly patted her on the shoulder. Lily couldn't help but giggle at the sight before her. James came to her bed and gave her a bear hug, and soon the other cousins joined in as well. She laughed through happy tears. Although she was sore, she enjoyed the gesture just the same. 

While eating the treats she got as a get well, (including her favorite, chocolate frogs) she told her family what happened the night before. After Lily had passed out, James and Albus got worried when they didn't come to dinner and told Professor Longbottom. They found the Room of Requirement and helped out in the losing battle. It chilled her to think of what could have happened if they hadn't came. Louis' face darkened when she came to the part about him, but the family seemed to understand. Lily's mother squeezed his hand. They listened quietly, not interrupting unless you count Hugo adding in some embellishments (most were quite unrealistic). When she reached the end, Lily sighed and and twirled the black strand of hair in her fingers. Before anyone could ask any questions, however, Madame Pomfrey came in.

"Out! Out! You've been in here for much too long! She needs rest"

"She's been asleep for a week!"

"Do not sass me, Mr. Potter. Your daughter needs rest so she can recover! Out! Out now!" Her family filed out of the room, looking sheepish. Lily's Uncle Ron was making fun of her father for getting yelled at. She smiled to herself. Everything was very much the same, but everything was very different.


Lily lay in bed, unable to sleep. Something was missing, but she couldn't tell what. In the silence, she heard a whisper. "Alohamora." Lily bolted upright, grabbing for her wand. The door creaked open.

She whispered the first spell that came to her mind. "Expelliarmus!" The intruder's wand clattered to the floor.

"Geez, Lily, it's just me!" Alice's voice rang through the nearly empty room.

"Sorry. You scared me..." Lily motioned for her to come closer. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry I disappointed you... I couldn't do it."

Lily shook her head. 'I don't think any one of us could have taken her down. You were so brave, Ali, you really were."

Alice looked up. "You think so?"

"Yeah, I think so." There was a silence that lasted for a few beats. 

"You know you missed exams, right?" Lily laughed. 

"I could care less about exams. You know what I'm looking forward to?"


"Next year. And maybe the mysteries that come along with it. Just as long as I don't end up in a coma again." They giggled. 

Next year was going to be a new year. A new Lily. She couldn't wait to see where it went.

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