Family Breakfast - 2

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Lily helped her mother cook. Her whole family was coming over that day to go to Diagon Alley. She was impatient, to say the least. At least twice a minute she would check the clock. Her mother saw this and shook her head, but didn't say anything. She was the same way most of the time. Soon enough, Lily heard the doorbell ring. Her mother smiled and motioned toward the door with her head. Lily raced out of her room and yanked it open. Most of her aunts, uncles, and cousins were standing by the door already. Only a few were late. The cousins congregated downstairs while the adults stayed on the main floor.

Lily took the time to hang out with each of the cousins that were there. First she went over to Dominique and Molly, both Ravenclaws, who were both already stressing out about the upcoming school year. "I have OWLs! This is going to determine my classes for the next two years, and my career!" Molly tugged at her braids.

"OWLs? Those are easy. I have NEWTs. I've already started studying for them." Dominique shook her head and stuck her nose in a textbook.

Lily smiled at them. "Come on, guys. It's still the summer. Have a little fun, will you?" They both reluctantly closed their textbooks and joined a game of Exploding Snap. Lily looked away and saw Fred II and James sneaking up behind Roxanne, probably about to pull one of their famous pranks.

"Oh no you don't!" She ran over and gave James a look. He put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Okay, okay! We'll save it for the first year bullies." 

"That's better." Even though she was younger and shorter than James, she found that if she was able to control him a little if she used a voice that was uncannily close to her mother's. "Come on Roxy. Want to do something else?" 

"Let's get Lucy. She'll want to come along. Maybe Lorcan and Lysander too." Lucy, Roxanne, Lorcan, Lysander, and Lily were all in the same year, as well as Hugo and Alice Longbottom, who both hadn't arrived yet. The other three were huddled in a corner, talking about something in hushed voices. Lily peeked into their huddle and saw that they were playing Pokemon with old-fashioned cards. She giggled at the sight of them.

Lysander looked up and noticed Lily and Roxanne were staring. He reddened and shoved the cards in his back pocket. "W-what are you looking at?"

Roxanne grinned slyly. "Noooothing. We were wondering if you would like to join us for... for what exactly, Lily?"

She thought for a moment. "Do you want to-" But she was cut off by the sound of four pairs of footsteps thundering down the stairs. "Hugo! Alice!" The pair of them joined the group. Hugo's sister, Rose, joined Albus, who was sitting alone on the couch and Alice's sister, Augusta, joined James and Fred.

"Breakfast's ready!" called Lily's mother from upstairs. The cousins went silent for a moment and then, all at once, ran towards the stairs. The Lucy and Lily were closest to the stairs and sat down at the table first. They sat across from Teddy and Victoire. The rest of the cousins soon came after them.

Piles of steaming hot food were set before them. Even the adults had a hard time containing their hunger when they saw it. Ginny had inherited her mother's love for cooking. Mrs. Weasley loved to help her as well.

Everyone dug in. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes were passed around the table. Even though she had been around her mother's cooking her whole life, Lily still savored the taste, as well as everyone else around the table. They all gathered in the room that was once the Order's meeting room. Her father had made the room bigger so all of the people could fit. Still, it felt a bit cramped. Although she loved being around her family, the crowded room made her feel closed in. The moment she finished, Lily jumped up to start collecting plates. When they had all finished, the family congregated in the living room, which was considerably bigger than the dining room, even without magic. They all crowded around the fireplace. Roxanne strutted up first, grabbing a handful of Floo Powder and shouting, "Diagon Alley!" Green and blue flames engulfed her and she was gone.

One by one, the family left. Finally, it was only Lily and her family. She took a fistful of the powdery material and threw it down. "Diagon Alley!" The warmth surged around her and she felt a spinning sensation. Her breakfast almost came back up. Lily stumbled out of the fireplace into the busy streets of Diagon Alley.

Hi there! So, I was wondering, what house are you in? I'm a proud Ravenclaw. Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Bye!


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