Headmaster's Office - 19

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Lily wasn't expecting to wake up to a house elf leaning over her. Lily opened her eyes to another pair with bright green irises. She jumped up, hitting her head on the headboard. "Wha- who are you?"

The house elf smiled, showing off crooked teeth. "I'm Twinkle! I was sent by Professor McGonagall to go get you!" 

Lily rubbed her eyes. "Just... just let me get ready first, okay?"

"Okay!" she replied brightly. Twinkle waited outside while Lily changed and brushed her wild curls. In the end, she decided to just put it up in a ponytail. She didn't have time to tame her hair. When Lily walked out, Twinkle held out her hand. "Hold my hand, miss." Lily tentatively put her hand it the house elf's. They apperated into the headmaster's office.

"I thought you couldn't apperate in Hogwarts!" 

Twinkle tilted her head. "The other house elves and I have certain privileges. Now here, she's just in there." She pointed to an iron door in front of her. Lily knocked a few times. It opened on its own accord. She walked in, suddenly nervous.  

Professor McGonagall didn't look up when she conjured a chair for Lily. "Sit." Lily walked over, tentative. "Do not worry. You aren't in trouble." Lily relaxed a little, but sat up straight in the chair. The office had piles of paperwork everywhere, but it was all organized in specific piles. She tore her eyes away and looked at Professor McGonagall.

"I understand that you are trying to solve the mystery of who is behind these attacks." Lily nodded, her stomach dropping. "I need you to stop wandering the halls alone."

Lily tensed. "But, professor, if you don't mind me asking, why?"

She sighed. "I have received a letter. It simply stated that you were the next victim in line. Now, it could have been a prank, but, just in case, I want you to be safe."


"Let me finish speaking. I did say to stop wandering the halls alone. Just think about that for a while." Lily smiled, realizing what she was saying.

"Thank you professor. I'll be sure to stay safe." Lily left the office and went to breakfast smiling.


"Well, you're chipper today," grunted Hugo when he saw her. 

"I have something to tell you, but not here." Lily waited until classes started to talk to him. In Herbology, they were doing worksheets on the plants in Greenhouse One to prepare for their exams in the months coming up.

Lily had to help Hugo with almost every one of the plants. He couldn't tell a fern from a pine tree, and magical plants were much more complicated. Once they had finished their worksheet, they leaned back, exhausted and covered in dirt. "So, what was it?" 

"Oh, right. Professor McGonagall called me into her office today and she basically told me I could try and figure this situation out, but only with other people. Oh yeah, and that I'm the next target."

Hugo's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"That I can figure-"

"No, no, after that."

"Well, Professor McGonagall got a letter saying that I would be the next person to be poisoned." Lily reached for her water bottle. 

Hugo slapped her hand away. "We have to check if it's poisoned!" She laughed. 

"Relax, Hugo. I'm sure whoever is poisoning people hasn't tampered with my water bottle in the five minutes since I drank it." He shook his head when she drank the water. It tasted normal. Lily let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Lily and her friends gathered in the common room. "I think we're ready. We're going to find them. Tonight."

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