Quidditch - 7

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Lily spent the next few days looking for who that girl was. It wasn't hard, as her presence was almost as big as her head. It was a girl named Salia Evanston in Ravenclaw. She had already become the year's meanest bully. Lily was itching to get Fred and James to prank her, but she wanted to be the bigger person. No one wanted to put up with Salia, not even the teachers.

Teddy had gotten out of the hospital a few days after his attack. He refused to explain anything that happened, except that his pumpkin juice tasted a little sour that morning. Lily took a mental note of it in case she needed it in the future.

Quidditch started in October. The first game was Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. Lily was all decked out in her red and gold gear. She was explaining Quiddtch to Cameron when Professor McGonagall came up to her. "Lily, I am in desperate need of a Quidditch announcer. Do you think you can be one?"

Lily nodded vigorously. "Of course, Professor."

"Wonderful. Now come with me and I will show you how." Lily jumped up from the table and waved goodbye to her friends. She followed Professor McGonagall through hallways she had never been through before, mostly for third years and above. They took a sharp turn and came to a wooden door. She knocked three times and the door swung open. Every thing was creaky and made of wood. Carvings were scattered all over the walls. She walked up a set of winding stairs to a stand with a scoring device and one chair. Professor McGonagall showed her a spell to make her voice louder and how to score them. She then left Lily to control the student traffic as they came to the pitch.

Lily stood, surveying the Quidditch pitch. Although she had come for a few games to see Teddy, James, and some of her other cousins play, she had never seen it from so high up. It was early in the morning. The cool fall air swirled around her. Finally, the stands had filled up and it was time to begin the match. "Sonorous," she whispered.

"Here comes the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Bentley, the team captian, chaser, Granger-Weasley, chaser, Irving, chaser, Weasley, keeper, Harl and Potter, beaters, and Reynolds as the seeker." Lily loved announcing. It gave her a fresh feeling. As the players zoomed by, she imagined the match as a pick up game her family had played during the late summer days. The terms rolled off her tongue. It was a fast match, only ten minutes into the game had Gryffindor's seeker caught the snitch.

Ravenclaw's side complained loudly with some choice words. Gryffindor shouted back with some more (Lily didn't know there were so many). They went back and forth until the teachers quieted them. She laughed along and did the counter spell to turn off the spell. She headed back indoors with the rest of the students.

"Wow, Lily! You did great!" said Lucy when she came up to the group.

"Don't say that to me, say that to the team!" It was a wet day and most of them were covered in mud. Lily ran up to her brother and hugged him, getting dirt all over her robes.

"Woah, Lily, it's only that first game," James said, but hugged her back anyway. "Let's  go to the common room." The three first years followed James and the rest of the team. At the after party, they stood in a corner, observing all of the students partying and milling around.

"Come on, Lily! We should go join it, it'll be fun!" Pleaded Roxanne

"But there's no other first years here! It will be so awkward!"

Hugo laughed. "Um Lily, that's because we are the Gryffindor first years." The three fell into a fit of giggles.

After wiping the tears of laughter away, Lily continued to protest. "Everyone here is over third year..." Roxanne ignored her and pulled her towards the dance floor. She swung gracefully to the beat of the music while Lily awkwardly stood next to her, unsure of what to do. She started to walked away but was pushed back in the middle by the crowds. She was lost in the sea of people. It finally brought her to the corner again. Lily shivered and headed upstairs. This was not her kind of party. Even from her room, she could hear the booming music and random bursts of laughter. She read her books to calm herself down. A knock on her widow made her look up. Loran, Lysander, Lucy, and Alice were at the window, smiling at her.

"We thought you needed some company. Where's Roxanne?" asked Alice.

"Downstairs. How did you get up here?"

Lorcan looked at Lysander. "A really strong levitation charm. Whatever we have to do for a friend."

Alice gave Lysander a look. "That was the most terrifying thing I've done in my life. But, of course, anything for you." Lily grinned. She was so glad to have friends like hers.

Lily Potter and The Harming Potionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें