Suddenly, I heard a body drop to the floor and the sound of metal clink clank to the floor.  Wait, am I dead?  I didn't feel a knife go into me...  Maybe I'm in Heaven or something?  Or maybe this whole thing was just a dream.  I opened my eyes and looked around me.  I was still in my kitchen, and my mom was laying on the floor beside me with a bloody nose, passed out.  The knife was lying close beside her.  I looked up, and there was Justin.  He must have punched her out.

"Oh my God, Justin," I whispered loud enough for him to hear and I ran into his arms.  Well, I didn't really run since it hurts a lot to move anything.  Justin brought me into a big, gentle hug.  I cried onto his shoulder.

"Katy...I'm lost for words...I don't know what to say...I'm just happy you're alive," he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Why did she go back to drinking? I thought this would never happen again," I cried into him.

He rubbed my back.  "I don't know why, and we probably won't know why. But you know I'm always here for you, and I can come here at any time," he said.

"Please, don't ever leave me alone," I said in a raspy voice, tightening my grip around his neck.  "Sorry, I just need someone," I apologized for my grip.

He took my hands.  "I won't, and it's fine," he said, trying to cheer me up.

"How bad are the...marks?" I asked Justin and shivered a bit.

"Let's go into the bathroom, you can look and I can help you clean up," he said and smiled a warm smile that made me feel a little better.

We walked upstairs to my bathroom and I lifted up my shirt to see my stomach that my mom had kicked and punched.  I traced my finger along the big, aching red mark and soon to be bruise.  "You know Justin, I'm happy you're here. When I was younger, I had no one here to help me since I'm an only child. Whenever my mom beat me, straight afterwards I used to come up here and cut myself. Since you're here now, you can watch me and make sure I don't. Though I don't really intend to cut ever again.  Oh and one time, when I was 13, I even tried to kill myself..." I told him, the upbringing of the memories in my mind not pleasant.

He looked like he had tears in his eyes.  I could tell he felt terrible, knowing that all this horror was my past.  He brought me into a hug again.  "I'm here, and I will be," he simply said.

"This day has been so freaking unbelievable," I said while Justin was helping me clean the cuts on my face.

"How so?" he asked while rubbing cleaning alcohol on a cut.

"Owwwww it buuuurns," I complained.

"It's either this or an infection," Justin replied, in a cute-like serious manner.

I chuckled at his tone.  "Okay, so answering what you asked.  Well, first, I went to your concert that I really didn't want to go to.  Then, I get picked to be the One Less Lonely Girl.  After the show you offer me a ride home and we have a picnic.  Next, we kiss and I freak out.  Fifth, I realize that I actually may like you, and I tell you, then you ask me out, and we're dating.  Then, my mom starts drinking again and she abuses me. Now you're helping me clean out my wounds made by my own mom. Justin freaking Bieber is helping me clean my cuts. I swear I'm dreaming," I explained to him.

He laughed once he heard the last part of what I said.  "The only good part about your day seems to be the part when we got together," he said.

I cracked a small smile.  "And I'm happy I have you," I told him while looking into his eyes.

He smiled and we quickly kissed.  The rest of my wounds got cleaned and I looked in the mirror.  I gasped when I saw the black eye, cut up lip, and fresh cuts all over my face.  The biggest cut is across my cheek, and it's kind of deep.  I think my mom scratched me.  Good thing I didn't look at myself before Justin helped me clean up, because the blood and everything would have made me scream and throw up, probably.

I Never Thought It'd Be You {JBLS}Where stories live. Discover now