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"Are you ready?"
"Yes dad."
"You better play your damn heart out tonight. Your team is counting on you Cal."
"I know dad."

"Do you know how important this match is? If you guys win this you go to State. Man if you fuck up, I will pull you out of football." He gripped harder on the steering wheel.
"Dad! You sound like psychotic!" Mali argued as we pulled to the football fields.
"Calum knows how important this match is and I don't want him to screw up."

"I won't dad, I'll try my hardest." I said grabbing my football bag. I'm kinda used to the pressure my dad puts on me.
"You better try your hardest and more."

"Okay. Bye." I opened the door. "Good Luck baby I love you." My mum said. She's usually pretty quite as my dad talks to me about football. "Love you too."

I rushed to the field where my team was already warming up. Thirty minutes before the game and more than half the bleachers are filled with high school students and parents.

"Calum! You're here!" My coach Tim said.  "Go up and do the coin toss."

I nodded and put down my bag by the others and trotted to the middle of the field where the Referee was waiting with the other captain of the other team.

"Shake hands" the ref said. I shook the guy's hand. "Okay, Fusion you guys are away so call heads or tails in the air." The dude ended up calling the wrong side, so I got to get the kick off. Fusion took the left side so that meant we got the right side.

I ran back to my team where they were talking to Tim.

"Okay guys, very important game yeah?" Everyone nodded. "Let the ball do the work and you guys won't get tired. Remember the drills we do in training and bring them out on the field. Okay I got the Line up."

I tired to fix my jersey, but the shorts kept slipping down. I tied the strings together to keep them secure. I couldn't help but smile because my clothes don't fit that well anymore.

"Adam, you're center mid. Lance defense. Kyle, goalie." I didn't really care where anyone went so I stopped listening until I heard my name. "Calum, forward."

"Of course..." Some dude said.
"Coaches favorite." Another guy whisper.

"Shut up guys, we have to have the captain out there, he's a powerhouse" Tim said. My whole life, I've bee the best on my team, so it's nothing unusual.

"If we win this match, I will take you losers out for diner and skip training on Monday." Everyone cheered but I didn't, I just gulped. I don't remember the last time I ate a full meal, and I don't plan on starting.

"Put you're hands in," everyone did.
"Calum do the honors."

"One! Two! Three! Futura!" I yelled and everyone put their hands in the air. I ran off to the center as the now fully crowded bleachers cheered.

"Let's go Calum!" Some sluts from my school said. I fake smiles at them and put my foot on top of the ball. I looked up to find where my parents and sister were at, they were sitting by the edge of the bleachers next to some losers I don't even remember their names.

I know one of them is on my track team and The other one is some wannabe punk rock guy. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the whistle blow, shit.

I kicked the ball to the other forward Owen. He passed the ball back and it was now with Adam.

I ran a diagonal run to the flag. Adam saw me passed In the air towards me. I chested it down and suddenly a player from the other team body slammed me. From the crowd there we gasps. Yeah, it hurt like hell but I couldn't just stop.

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