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< THE NEXT DAY [ time skip ] >
Marinette woke up to her pretty pink alarm clock and rubbed her eyes' yawning. She jumped out of her bed( it was pretty ) and then changed clothes. Was it actually her ambition to become a fashion designer and were those sketchbooks stacked with amazing art actually hers? Marinette found it hard to believe and trudged down the steps to the kitchen. Her 'mother' was there with a ready-bowl of cereal, but her eyes were still red and puffy, she smiled. Marinette beamed back and thankfully took the bowl.
She ate these delicious cornflakes and then prepared herself. She was to go to school again, and that would help her get most of her memory back.
"Je t'aime, Papa! Je t'aime Mama!" (The words weren't familiar in her mouth but she said them anyways) and kissed her mother and father's cheek. Then she walked up to school. How did she remember the way, Marinette had no idea. But when walking up the steps she felt very comfortable with the environment, all of a sudden.
Entering a huge room with a polished wooden floor; she looked around for her class. A child- blonde, with bright blue eyes and a pretty pink dress-passed, she asked her for directions. The student hugged her tight instead.
"Marinette! Oh, do you remember me? I am Rose!" she squealed and pointed to a door. "The class."
Marinette nodded and walked up to her 'class.' Did she remember her teacher? Her friend? Did she have a- well,- a lover?
As soon as she entered she was greeted with gasps and tears and lots of hugs by almost everyone, except for the blonde haired girl with the ponytail who looked like a chihuahua. How did she remember that exact detail?
Then a brown-haired girl with glasses ran up to her. "Marinette! I was worried sick! Oh, I am Alya." she said, her big brown eyes full of tears. Then everyone walked up to her and told her thier names. Marinette beamed back, because she realized she was the type of nice people.

And then he came.

She took one look at his bright green eyes. Adrien Agreste.
He hugged her too, though his eyes were filled with something else- confusion, happiness, clarity-all of it. His pupils were big, like a cat's.

"Marinette. I need to talk to-"
He was cut off by alarm bells, blaring all over their heads. A tiny moth fluttered in.

Then it started to grow.

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