"Experiment 626?" Patch looked around, then looked down. "Oh, there you are..."

"Ugh..." the blue creature mumbled. "My head..."

"Oh, thank goodness you're fine." Patch sighed.

"What happened...?" The alien mumbled, then saw the other canines.

They all huddled up in a corner, shivering and whimpering in fear of their 'new friend'.

"You there!" Experiment 626 glared at them, trying to use his guns, but saw he didn't have them. "Where are my...?" he then turned to Patch. "Cover me! You're my new general!" he then glared the other dogs. "You are all under my arrest, I claim this planet in the name of Turo!"

"Okay, one, you're not armed and two, what's Planet Turo?" Patch asked.

"Planet Turo is my home world," Experiment 626 told the Earth puppy. "I escaped after the imprisonment of my creator Dr. Jumba Jookiba."

"By any chance, is he fat and has four eyes?" Patch asked.

"Yes," Experiment 626 nodded. "I'm certain he could in this world..." he then lifted his ear as he heard something. "Cover me." he then dashed off.

Patch, though had a dog and had special hearing, did not hear what this alien did and was very curious.

"Wait, that Dalmatian I just put in the back with the other dogs is your pet?" The lady behind the desk asked Atticus.

"Yes, ma'am," Atticus replied. "I'm so sorry, he must've gotten lost by accident."

"You should've kept him on a leash." the lady warned, slightly strict, but not being mean in any way.

"Yes, ma'am," Atticus understood. "I assure you, it won't happen again."

"Well, I'm sure it won't, but still..." The lady said before seeing two more people come inside as well. "Oh, excuse me... Let me get your puppy, I will be right back..." she said before doing that, then looked over to the next two people. "I'll be right with you folks, I just have to fix something real quick."

"Take your time." an older female voice said.

Darla turned her head, then her eyes lit up once she saw someone she recognized. "Lilo!"

"Darla, what are you doing here?" Lilo asked.

"I could ask you the same thing..." Darla said as she stood next to Urchin. "Patch got lost, we're taking him home now."

"Nani's taking me to get a new friend." Lilo then explained why she was at the animal shelter.

"Nani?" Darla looked up, then saw a young adult woman who looked a lot like a grown-up version of Lilo stand next to her new friend.

"Oh, aloha." the stranger waved to her.

"Aloha, so you're Nani." Darla smiled.

"Yes," Nani smiled. "I'm Lilo's sister."

The lady brought Patch back to Atticus. Atticus laughed a little as Patch licked his face with a smile.

"Atticus, we have to stay here a little while longer just until you meet my new friend." Patch whispered to his owner before hearing something crawling on the ceiling, thanks to his dog hearing.

"Okay..." Atticus whispered back to him, turning away so it wouldn't look weird for him to talk with his dog this way.

Patch glanced up as he could see Experiment 626 crawling on the ceiling.

"We're looking for someone that can defend itself," Nani told the lady behind her desk. "Something that won't die... Something... Sturdy... You know?"

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