Dumb Dora

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"Here's the finest lady of them all. The hostest with the mostest." Ralph was really downgrading on his word play. "The stripper that will have you emptying your pockets just to see her bombshell body." There was a pause to let me walk into the shadows of the stage. " Dora Calamity."

I waltzed to the pole, my hips swaying softly. The music started.The pole I used most of the time was center stage and I hadn't used a side pole since I started here. The audience were faded out shadows.

That was the way I liked it too. No faces, no getting creeped out by horny pervs. I would only see their arms appear out of the shadows, dropping tips or putting them in my clothing.

My dance was softer than the other girls. It was slow and sensual. I had to make them drool before I got topless. My index finger moved slowly from the cowboy hat, my lips, inbetween my breasts, then finally to the hem of my skirt. I could feel their heated stares anticipating my next move.

I swirled on the pole, and opened my legs, giving them a view between my legs. That really got the tips flowing. I danced around bit more before I unzipped the tight jean skirt I was wearing, pulling them down more with the movement of my hips. I crawled closer to my audience as seductively as I could.

The thong clung tightly to my lower half as they stuffed money in the thin fabric.

This was the part when I usually blocked out. I would push the thoughts of my current situation into the farthest depths of my mind. I was on the edge of the stage getting ready to take off the one-button plaid shirt (that was a long sleeve , but still only covered my chest), when I was grabbed by a pair of clamy arms off stage. These clamy hands are what I was trying to avoid. Those hands had been trying to get in bed for the last month. I yelped as my body was put against a larger, sloppy frame.

One of his arms was draped over me waist and the other was holding my mouth shut. He was smearing my lipstick.

Then a scream erupted from one of the other dancers and the sound of people running away from me. All of the lights came on and then I could hear the muffled noises. My eyes darted around the room, taking in as much as I could.

Cops. They were surrounding us and then my mind slowly registered what I was in this situation. I was a fucking human shield. A good looking, half naked human shield.

The smells of my captor were just too much and it was making this whole thing worse. He smelled of sweat, vodka, and urine. Not the best mix, but maybe it would work for him at a different time.

"Sid, put the gun away and let the girl go." Gun? There was a gun in this equation?! I moved my head around a little to see it. Yup there a gun and my status had worsened. I went from human shield to hostage.

My thoughts moved away from his gun to the bullets inside as 'Sid' was pressing the gun into my head. "Just let me out of here."

"You know we can't do that," This guy was definitely not a good negotiator. "You already have too many deaths on your conscience, do you want another?"

The cops moved forward to us and I was kind of relieved that this might be over quicker than I expected. A shot silenced the room This 'Sid' guy killed before and now I was next.

I never thought that life flashing before your eyes stuff was real, but it is. My life literally flashed before my eyes. I wouldn't even call it a life, more like a long line of mistakes. Some mistakes that I wouldn't change for the world, but a few that would of changed my life drasticly. I wouldn't be a stripper of course or I wouldn't have a lot of short memories of one night stands.

"Those whores came willingly." Well I didn't come willingly, I thought.

"Did they die willingly?" Did they really expect him to release me?

We stood there twenty minutes later, not really interested in the situation anymore. They had another guy talking and he was a delight. Sid would start crying and begging for forgiveness any second now.

"Just drop the gun, Sid" Sid warned him if he didn't get him out in in five minutes he was going to murder me.

"I'm gonna blow her fûcking head off! 5....4....3-" I swung my elbow to meet his face and I wiggled out of his hold as he yelled in pain. Unfortunately not quick enough, because he pistol whipped the shit out of me, sending me flying into nearby tables. Sid shot at me. Like really aimed at me and pulled the trigger. You would think that I would be smart enough to stay put behind the flipped table and keep out of sight, but I was never one for logic.

I sprinted like never before in my six inch heels. Shots whizzed around me as I ran into the arms of an officer. He lifted me up like I was a potato sack and carried me out of Missy's.

All I could see was his dark hair and he smelled of spices.

There was an ambulance waiting for any wounded people. He sat me down against a car and on the concrete, my heels clanking softly. I looked up at him and blushed; I was finally feeling like a half naked hostage. There was no emotion in his face. No arousal, no lust like it was all locked away behind his dark eyes. Maybe he was gay.

"Wow.." It came out like a breathe I never knew I was holding. The Officer left me as the effects of adrenaline wore off. I started to notice the pain in my body. My face and my left arm hurt the most. Nothing like a busted lip to keep you up at night. I hissed when I moved my arm for further inspection.

"Don't look at it. It only makes the pain worse." A blonde paramedic came up to me with the tools of his trade. I just nodded at him and tried to ignore my pain. He was the type of guy I would normally go after. The cocky jock, or the jockey's cock; whichever kept me warm at night.

The dark haired officer was back again but with questions and a blanket. Thank you Jesus for sending me into the arms of Officer...

"I'm Officer Burton and I have a few questions to ask you, Dora." I snuggled closer to the itchy fabric.

"It's Clementine Rogers." He nodded and scribbed it down on the paper but not before giving a glance. You didn't know how bad I wanted to be home and away from the judgement. "I know...Nice name for a stripper, right ?" Burton gave me a look of bewilderment mixed with shock. I didn't know about any sciences, but I knew about people. I've been given that look more than I would of liked. "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I know when I'm being looked down upon."

"I'm... uh sor-"

" Let's just get this over with." I cut him off, clearly not accepting his apology. He just nodded.

"What happened inside of the club?" I huffed at his question as the blonde finished bandaging my arm. Shouldn't they have noticed? They were practically there in seconds. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked down at the car I was leaning on.

A black SUV like the one that has been following me for a couple of months. I wrapped the blanket around my hips and ran towards the back of the car. Same lisense plate too.

I threw my ice pack at Officer Burton. He just blocked my attack. These bitches were trailing me. "What aren't you telling me?" I felt a major bitch fit coming on.

"This is not the place nor time Miss." People quieted as they watched my hysterics.

"Fuck place or time! It was the perfect place and time when I was held captive at gun point by a murderer infront of more than 6 cops ,which is a sad display for your department."

"Ma'am calm down." I was nowhere near calm and throwing the blanket on the ground was another rebel act.

"Fuck. You." I sautered off in my heels, but not before another insult. "You should really quit your fucking day job ,because you totally don't have the damn people skills."


A/N: I love Clem. She has to be one of my fave heroines ever. Don't forget about song Carmen by Lana Del Rey is what she danced to in the beginning. Sorry for it not being edited and all. Yea I love em strippahs lmao! <3

Loves you guys

Xoxo KC

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