chapter thirty

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[a/n: i realize i should probably keep track of the days that pass in this book lmao ooPS]

Pete's silent for a minute before he chokes out an emotional "I love you too". He runs his hands along my back as I sit up, face red.

He scans my face for a moment, his thumb running on the edge of my cheek. "God, you're beautiful."

Before I can look away bashfully he pulls me into a kiss, arms wrapped around my torso. I return his embrace and fall into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips.

Pete pulls away, pressing his forehead against mine. "And I swear, I'll burn this city down to show you the lights."


He smiles and kisses my forehead. "They're lyrics, love." He pauses, leaning back slightly. "We ought to get the band back together. Joe and Andy just have some awkward vibes goin' on at the moment."

Clearly. Curiosity for their whereabouts welled up inside of my chest but I push it aside, focusing merely on Pete.

As my thoughts of them subside he pulls me into a cuddle, shifting on the couch. I press my head against his chest, feeling the steady thumping of his heart. I don't want to get up at all from the comforting contact.


I blink my eyes open, and for a moment I have a rush of panic as my surroundings are unfamiliar. Then his chest heaves and I remember where I am; cuddling with Pete on the couch at his house.

"You're finally awake, hm?" he mumbles, ruffling my hair. "I didn't expect you to fall asleep."

I attempt to apologize, but instead a raspy squeak leaves my lips. He chuckles. I burrow my face into his chest, faking embarrassment. His fingers trail slowly along my spine.

"Beautiful baby boy," he whispers, planting a kiss on the top of my head. I smile, wrapping my arms tighter around him.

My phone in my back pocket vibrates, startling the both of us. My head jerks up and Pete nearly topples off the couch. I sit up, arching my back, and checking my phone while mouthing sorry to Pete.

Going out again. have to handle Some things at work. If you plan on pulling another sleepover stunt let me know.

I roll my eyes and shove my phone back into my pocket. While it's tempting to stay at his house, I'd rather not inconvenience Pete.

"Gotta head home?" he asks in a disappointed voice. I shake my head quickly and his eyes light up. "Come on!" Without warning, he grabs my hand and we hurry upstairs into his bedroom, which looked the same as last time only there was less clothes strewn on the floor.

Pete pulls me onto his bed, showering me with a storm of kisses. He has my face in his hands, gently pressing me against his pile of pillows. I'm addicted to every intimate contact. Hell, I can feel vibrations against my lips as he moans into every exchange.

He jerks back, breathless. "You're beautiful. I don't want you thinking that you're otherwise, okay?" His gaze flickers briefly towards my covered wrists. "You're absolutely fucking beautiful and that's that." He gives me a rough kiss. "I love you," he mumbles.

Tears well up in the corners of my eyes, but they're good tears. I feel a small bit of my insecurity evaporating into nothingness at his words.

"I love you too," I croak.

He tackles me back onto his pillows, giggling like a child. My body shakes with silent laughter. For a moment, I manage to forget every negative thing in my life - my mother's death, my weight, etc. Everything is just pure bliss as I lay here with Pete.


The room is extremely dark. Pete's arms are wrapped around my torso as he snores softly into my neck. My eyelids are constanly fluttering open as they slide shut every five seconds. I hurriedly take out my phone and check the time.

It's midnight. I text my dad that I'm sleeping over again, clicking my phone off. The pull of sleep is awfully strong and finally I sink into a dream.

I'm at the party again, but I walk in alone. Someone notices my arrival and whispers it to the person next to them. The announcement migrates around until everyone knows.

The music that was being blasted from the speakers cuts off suddenly, and at this point I'm receiving glares. Under the intimidation I begin to quiver, my knees buckling.

Everyone pivots, revealing Pete. Relief washes over me at his presence until I see the expression on his face. His dark eyes are flaming with hatred. I take a step back, practically feeling the dislike radiating from him.

"Did you really think I'd leave Mikey for the likes of you?" he spits, crossing his arms. "You're pathetic. I can't believe I have to help you fucking speak. It's such a simple thing, yet you're too fucking braindead to acconplish even that."

He breaks the scowl with a sinister smile. Over his shoulder, he calls, "Hey, babe!"

Mikey appears, greeting Pete with a long, rough kiss. He grins at me as him and Pete embrace.

Mean laughter erupts throughout the house, the buzz filling my ears. Tears stream from my eyes as I quiver. I wish to move my feet but it's as if they're glued to the ground.

I cover my ears, trying to block out the sound, and shut my eyes, tears dripping from them. It only grows louder and louder until it somehow warps into the revving of an incoming engine and the squeal of tires on the asphalt. A bloodcurdling shriek fills the air.



My eyes fly open, but everything around me is a blur. I'm shaking, with tears pouring from my eyes. Pete's staring down at me with a mix of concern and fear as he grips my hand.

"Babe - oh God, are you okay? Shit..." His voice cracks. "I woke up to you whimpering and crying and shaking in your sleep...I've been trying to snap you out of it for the past half hour..."

I sit up and hug him, still crying. The dream was enough to make me paranoid about losing Pete due to me being the eptiome of flaws. More tears slip down my cheeks. He pats my back comfortingly, planting a kiss on my neck.

"It's going to be okay, baby boy. I'm here. I love you."

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