And then Oriane felt something tug at her hand. Robert laced his fingers through hers. Her breath caught in her throat.

"Let's get going," he suggested.

Oriane bobbed her head shyly and followed. "It wouldn't be good for you to be late."

"For 'us' to be late," he corrected, brushing the back of one of his fingers down the tip of her nose suddenly. She looked up at him in surprise. He was looking down at her with a tender expression. "You're part of the team."

She could feel her cheeks heating up. No one's ever been like that with her. Like she was important.

But she didn't understand it. Catholic girl school didn't teach them about relationships. She also didn't understand why he liked her. Oriane decided then that she wouldn't think too much on it and simply go with the flow.

"Who is on the team?"

"Most of Scott's friends since he is usually the one involved in public relations. He's got the best connections on campus," he explained then smiled reassuringly, already guessing at her insecurities. "Don't worry. They'll all like you."

Oriane appreciated the confidence he had. How good it would be if she shared his certainty in all things.

The chatter abuzz since yesterday about the Festival throughout school put her mind off the ordeal with Rosicrucians and the underground repository. She supposed it was also a blessing she now had something more to occupy herself with. She was curious what Robert had planned for the group and was already thinking about ways she could help.

Magick was hopefully not a prerequisite. There had to be plenty of things a normal person can do to help. Then again, if all the tasks required magick, Robert wouldn't have asked her to join up.

The meeting was held not far from where she was. It was down the long corridor and around the corner.

"You and Scott didn't run all across the campus looking for me, did you?"

Robert rubbed his thumb over hers. It was such an intimate gesture that she blushed some more. "Anything for you, m'lady! But no, we asked around. It's good you're close to the meeting room."

As they walked past the series of glass panels, Oriane peeked into the room.

Seated around an oval table was Shireen and her gang, a few others she recognised from one of her classes, and, if she guessed correctly, there was also a group of vampiresses in cheerleader uniform.

When they reached the door, Robert immediately moved to stand in front of her. He seemed nervous all of a sudden. His other hand reached behind him for the doorknob. "Okay. Just follow my lead when you get inside. Try to sit between me and Shireen. You know Shireen, right? She's the one with the pigtails?"

"Yes, I know Shireen. She's in my science class."

Robert smiled and nodded, looking relieved. "Good."

He turned the knob and led Oriane into the room. It was cooler than the corridors, though she didn't notice any vents for an air conditioning machine. Perhaps the air had been magickally cooled?

"Rob?" It was one of the vampiresses who called his name. She was the prettiest of the four sitting at the back of the table. Her platinum blonde hair was curled in waves that flowed perfectly down to her shoulders. Icy blue eyes looked almost silver. She looked as though in confusion between Oriane and Robert. Her shaded brows were drawn down into a frown.

Whatever it was she was confused about, it made Oriane self-conscious. She looked down at her own dress and figure in comparison to hers. She was rather flat-chested and only wore jeans. Her top wasn't anything special. But the vampiress' cheerleader uniform accentuated her perfect figure. That much she could tell even though she was seated.

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