"Yukio, bring (y/n) to my office as soon as you can," the purple haired male told him. "There's something the boy needs to hear..."


He sat there with the other counsel members, his face held a neutral expression, completely different from his normal, calm one. The soft smile he would normally hold was now long gone, as though he were mourning.

This sudden change didn't go unnoticed by the other counsel members, as they waited for him to speak. He had called for a meeting, wanting to talk about the final verdict of (y/n)'s case. He had been the one in charge of watching the videos after one of the other members confessed that the boy did nothing but spend time in class, with friends or staring up at the ceiling and sleeping for hours. The decision laid within his hands, he could decide if the boy was executed and deemed a threat to them, or be used as a weapon for the Vatican and be allowed to live.

Lifting his head away from the table, he gave them all a nod in greeting, to which they returned. The clocked ticked on by, as they sat in silence. They didn't know how long they had been there, but they needed to be patient. Sasagawa was the most trusted member, skilled beyond belief and very wise, so whatever decision he made will be followed through and through.

"I've decided that the boy is of no threat, and his skills are beyond amazing," Sasagawa began, ignoring the counsel's shocked expressions. "Therefore, he will be used as a weapon for the Vatican, just as Okumura Rin."

"But," one of the male members began, clearing his throat before he continued. "Are you sure of this, Mr. Sasagawa?"

Sasagawa just nodded, lacing his fingers and resting them onto the table. There was no way they could refuse, especially since they've all given their word to follow his decision through and through. After what happened with those rebels of the cult, it was obvious what his decision would be. They all heard about how the boy fought to protect his fellow classmates, turned a demon against one of the cult members and even lost his parents in the process. The Vatican had no more proof to use against him, and Sasagawa made sure to keep quiet about Amaimon and his hamster transformation. The other members glanced at one another, before nodding in agreement. "It's settled then," a counsel woman spoke.

"(Y/n) (l/n) will not be executed..."


What was he doing there? Don't tell him there was more bad news to be heard. (Y/n) heaved a sigh in exhaustion, ignoring the glance Mephisto sent him to make sure he was alright. He was tired, not just physically, but also emotionally. Every night he dreamt of his parents laying there, sheet covering them as their voices rang in his mind.

It's all your fault.

You didn't save them?

Why didn't you help?

How could you let this happen?

It had gotten to the point where he would spent countless nights away doing his homework, reading or just staring blankly at his ceiling. Amaimon would turn back to his regular self and sleep next to him, holding him close and burying his face into the nook of (y/n)'s neck. The young teen wouldn't lie, the cuddling was very much welcomed, especially since he needed someone there with him to stop his mind from wondering.

The sound of the door to Mephisto's office had snapped him out of his thoughts, as he turned his head to watch as Angel walked right in, a small bag in hand as he closed the door behind him. It wasn't long before he lifted his head and spotted him, blue eyes meeting with (e/c) ones for the first time since the incident at the young teen's childhood home. Angel just sent him a nod in greeting, before walking up to the couch where he sat. Mephisto placed his pen down and stood from his seat at his desk, taking a small file with him as he made sure his phone was on silent, before walking towards the single person's chair.

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