Mephisto waited at his desk patiently, smiling to himself as he stirred his tea cup with his left hand. A certain blond was supposed to arrive today and check up with him, and that would mean he would get the answers he was looking for. 

As if on cue, the door to his office opened, and in walked Angel. the blond wore his typical white with red linings exorcists uniform, with Caliburn strapped to his side and his regular stony expression. Ever since he had told the Vatican about (y/n)'s holy powers, they had allowed him back as Paladin and he was no longer branded a traitor, courtesy of Sasagawa san. Of course, Mephisto may or may not have forgotten to inform Yukio and Shura, but they'll find out eventually. Mephisto smiled as the blond walked up to the desk to speak with him, he has been waiting a week for him to return, and he couldn't wait any longer to hear the story of the (h/c) haired teen and what had happened to his mother. 

"My my, look who's returned." Mephisto began, sending the man a smirk. "Tell me Arthur, where have you been?" 

Angel didn't move an inch, as though expecting this sort of thing from the purple haired headmaster. Then again, why wouldn't he? The headmaster could be so childish sometimes, and knowing him for so many years now, Angel knew what he would do 33% of the time. "I will have to tell you about that later." He mumbled. "Right now I want to see the boy, I was informed by Okumura that they had found him the day after I left."

Mephisto couldn't help but frown, stopping his stirring motion in order to send him an un-amused look. He was not backing out now, not when he was so very close to figuring out the truth. "We had a deal, Angel." Mephisto mumbled in a serious tone. 

"I know we did." Angel replied, unfazed by the glare he was given. He was going to hold onto this secret for as long as possible. "I'm tired from my trip, and I just want to see the boy first, after I return I will tell you everything." With that, the blond haired Paladin turned on his heels and began to make his way to the door, not really caring that the headmaster wanted nothing more than to rip his head clean off. That is, until he got an idea. 

"(Y/n) is on Probation by the Vatican, but I'm sure you know that." He taunted, knowing full well that Angel was the only one who wasn't informed of the teen's court date and results. And he was glad he decided not to let him know, who knew it would come in handy? Turning, Angel sent the headmaster a glare, not liking the smile he was being sent as he turned back around to face him. This was the first time he's heard of this, why hadn't anyone told him? He had left his earpiece on, surely someone would have taken the time to give him a call. "Why? And how? What exactly happened while I was gone?" He asked, his frown deepening when the purple haired male simply shrugged his shoulders and began to look through some files on his desk. "I will tell you about that later," Mephisto told him, trying to look as though he were busy. "I'm tired from my work, and I just want to rest first. After I'm done, I will tell you everything." 

Angel didn't miss the way the purple haired demon just used his own words against him, then again what should he have expected? Heaving a deep sigh in exhaustion, the blond paladin lifted a hand to rub his tremble, feeling a headache coming on. He was in no mood to deal with him or play games, so he might as well get it all over with. "Fine, I'll confess to everything, I'll answer all of your questions and not try to dodge the subject any longer." He told him in defeat, not liking the pleased expression on the headmaster's face. 

"Alright, you may go see (y/n). The boy isn't feeling too well, the restrictions of the probation has him at his wits end so it wouldn't be surprising to me to hear that he's been sobbing." He tells him, but just as Angel turns to leave, he lifts his gloved hand to stop him in his tracks. 

"But, I expect to hear absolutely everything when you return to my office."


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