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Carla POV

I wake up the next morning reaching over, Miranda isn't there and I just shake my head.  It's been  years since they day I asked her to marry me, and ever since then it has been magical.  A year after I proposed we had a very small wedding on the beach.  That is what Miranda wanted, and that is what she got.  I turn the ring on my finger, I really never thought I would get married, I never thought I could find someone that every day I wake up, I fall more in love with that person.

Miranda never ceases to amazes me.  She put in tons of hard work over the past 4 years and now is a college basketball coach for our local college.  I busted my ass through college, taking as many credits as I could, thankfully I took some in high school also, so I was able to finish college early.  I'm now a high school basketball coach, and I also teach PE to the little one's.  I love my job, interacting with the kids, teaching the girls how to play as a team.

Last night we were watching WNBA draft, they were showing all the girls getting ready to be drafted to play pro.  "Do you wish it was you?" Miranda asked me.

I looked over at her, our hands entangled together, "I'm not going to lie and say that it was my dream to be standing there, but I realized a long time ago, that it wasn't meant to be.  I am doing something that I love and I'm doing it with somebody who I madly in love with.  So do I wish it was me?  No, because then I wouldn't be here right now." I said leaning over and giving her a kiss.

"Do you think she'll be the first pick?" She asked.

"She should be, she took a team not even ranked to winning 2 national championships, of course her game needs some improvement, and when you get to the pro level it's difficult, but if anybody can do it she can." I said watching the TV.

"The first pick of the WNBA draft for the Phoenix Mercury is, BECKY HAMILITON from Texas Tech University ."  Me and Miranda jumped up clapping, I was really proud of her.  We had kept in touch over the years, and actually became really good friends.  We watched some more of the draft before going to bed.

I was jolted out of my thoughts quickly, "CARLA HELP," I heard Miranda scream, causing me to bolt out of bed and run down the stairs.  When I found her she was grabbing her stomach, hunched over in pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked rushing to her.

"It's time," she whispered.

"It's time for," oh shit the baby.  We knew that we were close so we had everything packed in the truck.  I picked her up in my arms and she just wrapped her arms around my neck, whimpering in pain.  "It's ok baby," I whispered placing her in the truck.  I ran around to the other side, and floored it to the hospital.  I had called David on the way.

I screeched into the ER parking lot, running around to the side and picking up Miranda before darting inside, "I think she's in labor," I told the receptionist.

Nurses came out with a wheel chair, I placed her down but she wouldn't let go of my hand, "I'm not going anywhere babe," I said squeezing her hand.  They led us back to a room, hooking Miranda up to all kinds of machines.

The contractions were getting closer, I felt bad seeing her in this much pain.  "Well it's about time for these babies to come and see their Uncle," I heard David say as he walked into the room.  I jumped up wrapping my arms around him.

"Do something," I demanded, he just chuckled.

"She doesn't want anything, so I can't, I don't know what you thought labor would be like Carla, but you're in for one hell of a show." He said.  I looked at Miranda, she had refused any medicines, she was about to give birth to 2 babies natural.  Damn was she a strong woman.

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