Chapter 2

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Miranda Young POV

First day of the school year and my first teaching job after graduating college. I wanted to teach in a very small school and found the perfect opportunity here back where it all started. I pulled up into the teacher parking lot and checked myself in the mirror one more time. "Ok, Miranda you can do this." I slowly exhaled and stepped out of my car. I entered the school and noticed a few students already here. One in particular stuck out to me. A blonde haired girl with short spiky hair, with her face stuck in her locker. I saw a look of concern on her face as I noticed two boys around her laughing and talking to her. I couldn't particular hear what they were saying, but you could tell she was not interested in what they were saying. After the boys walked off another girl walked up to the locker right beside her, she proceeded to swing her locker open and slam the blonde haired girls hand in her locker. I could tell it was on purpose because the other girl had that smirk on her face the one of oh I am so sorry fake apology when really I hope it hurt like hell.

I started walking towards them, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, when I turned around I came face to face with Mrs. White, the school principal. "Just leave it be" she said, I just looked at her with a shocked face and was about to speak. "It happens every year and Carla the blonde haired girl, just takes it" Mrs. White said.

"Well she shouldn't have to take it, that's bullying and it shouldn't be allowed." I said.

Mrs. White smirked at me and said, "You do realize you are on day one of your probation I would advise you to listen to me and stay out of it." as she turned and walked away. I already knew that I didn't like her attitude, but letting your students getting bullied? I just shook my head and turned back around noticing "Carla" as Mrs. White had said had already left. I made my way up to my room.

I was currently writing my name on the board and had the plans for the day to get to know the students when I heard my door creaks open. I looked at the clock and noticed we still had 10 minutes before the bell. When I turned I saw the blonde hair girl walking straight to the back with her head down. "Well it's good to know I will have one good student this year, I am your new English teacher my name is Miss. Young what is your name?" I said.

The girl started turning around and I noticed how she had beautiful blue her eyes, "My name is uh." and she stopped. I smiled internally to myself knowing she was not expecting someone in their 20's to be standing in front of her. I don't blame her I quickly figured out all the teachers around here were ancient. Then I heard her say "Carla, my name is Carla," and she quickly sat down in the back pulling out a spiral notebook and a pen and started writing.

I went to my desk watching her as she continued writing lost in her own thought. I did notice for the middle of August she had on a giant hoodie and long pants. Maybe she's just cold natured. As the bell rung kids started entering the room I noticed the "clicks" of groups together but I also noticed every student avoided the blue eyed girl sitting in the back. Oh I have a feeling this is going to be a long year I thought to myself.

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