Chapter 10

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Carla POV

I just sat there looking at Miranda, "what?". Did she really just say my dad was dead. I just looked at my down, I had all sorts of emotions running through my head and body, hurt, relief, guilt. Miranda places her hand under my chin and lifts my head up where I am looking at her. "I really am so sorry, I know today is hard enough and now this." She just shakes her head and I could see tears in her eyes. Wow she actually cares, she cares about me.

"I need to go" I said quickly standing up from my desk, she stood with me and before I knew what was happening she had me wrapped in her arms, hugging me. Before I realized what I was doing I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her back. The feeling was magically being in her arms and feeling something good for once.

I pulled away from her, "Thank you, there are things I need to get done" I gave her a weak smile. "Carla if you need anything please come to me, I'm begging you, she handed me a piece a paper with her phone number on it." I looked down at the paper, "I will, I promise."

I left the school and the first place I went was the grave site, I found my sisters and mom's grave, and just sat there, I traced my fingers over there names, "I am happy for you, you have dad back now and you can be a happy family. I just want you to know I miss you, and I love you so much, I'm sorry it's taking me so long to come visit." I laid down beside their headstone, and before I knew what was happening I was crying hysterically. What do I do now, I'm 18 years old and I have no family left, they are all dead, and every part of me wishes it was me.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know some is calling my name and shaking me, "Carla, wake up, please, please open your eyes." I slowly open my eyes and see Miranda has her arms around me, with tears streaming down her face. She whispers in my ear, "I'm so sorry, I was so worried about you, I've searched every where until I saw your truck here, you scared the shit out me when you wouldn't wake up."

I didn't say anything, I just pulled her closer to me, I didn't want this to end, I didn't want this feeling of being safe to go away. "Please don't leave me." I whisper, before I even know what I said I'm being picked up and Miranda is caring me back to her car. I sat in the passenger seat, not saying a word I could feel when she would look over at me. I feel bad for putting her in this situation, but right now there is nobody else I want to be around. I look over and notice her hand on her gear shift, her knuckles are white, damn she's got a death grip on that thing. I slid my hand on top of hers and she tangles are fingers together.

I look back out the window and smile so she can't see it. We finally pull up outside a ranch house and I look at her suspiciously, she glances over at me quickly, "You're not the only one with secrets," she says while smirking. Holy shit then it all hits me, YOUNG, the young's in this town are the biggest ranch owners in this town, and earlier this year the owner of the ranch past away and left everything to his daughter. Shit, Shit, Shit. Miranda is his daughter.

I looked at her shocked, "You figured that out quickly, I guess that's why you're at the top of your class," she says, I just nod my head and get out of her car. If she owns a ranch, why the hell is she a fucking teacher, I mean she has all the money you could ask for, I mean her grandchildren 10x down the road wouldn't even have to work.

She walks around the car and grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. "Please don't tell anyone, I don't want anybody to know. Of course Mrs. White knows but that's it nobody else as figured this out." I look in her perfect eyes, "I won't tell anybody, but can I ask you a question." she replies with a nod, "Why me, why are you so interested in me?"

She let's out a big sigh, "Carla the first day I saw you, you were being bullied by Becky and I automatically felt the need to protect to you, I don't know why. Mrs. White stopped me and told me not to even waste my time. That pissed me off so much, but I just let it be, but then you walked into my class and when you turned around I saw your beautiful blue eyes, but I also saw pain and hurt. I've been in your shoes believe it or not, I've been through all the bullying, I was actually surprised to find out my father even left me this ranch because as soon as I was old enough to go to school I was shipped off to boarding school and was never seen around this town. I felt unwanted and betrayed, that's why I promised myself I would become a teacher, to help students, to not go through what I've went through, but you are different, I feel something I've never felt before, and honestly it scares the shit out of me. I want to know you Carla, I want to see you happy, I want to see you smile. Your journal is the only journal I read every time out of all the students I have, I can feel the pain coming from your stories and poems. I just can't stay away from you, when you left my class today, I followed you, I promised myself I wasn't going to get out of the car but after 2 hours I started worrying. I couldn't take it any longer, I needed to know you were ok, when I found you at the grave and you wouldn't respond it scared me, I thought I lost you before I even knew you."

I sat there shocked at what I just heard, this beautiful woman standing in front of me wants to know me, she can't stay away from me and wants to protect me. Before I knew what I was doing I put my hands on each side of her face and looked deep into her eyes, I leaned in slowly but stopped when I was inches away, I didn't want to push her if she didn't want me to, but she didn't move back, she moved forward and before I knew it our lips were together. Holy shit her lips, there soft, and perfect, and there is all kids of explosions going off in my head, and butterflies in my stomach, The kiss deepens and she glides her tongue across the bottom of my lip, I part my lips slowly and our tongues are dancing together like a beautiful song. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close, her arms are around my neck, when I pull her closer I feel her moan into the kiss. I can't breathe, I pull back trying to catch my breathe, and then realization of what just happens hit, "Shit, Miranda, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

She pulls me closer to her, "Please don't push me away this time." She connects are lips back together, she pushes me up against the wall and this time it's my turn to moan. Whoa what was that, things are going on with my body that's never happened before, I feel her smirk into the kiss and she starts trailing kisses down my cheek, down my neck, and up to my ear, when she nibbles on my ear lobe, my knees go weak, I really think if she wasn't holding me up right now I would fall. "Miranda, I've never." I softly whispered. She pulls back and looks at me and grins, "You've never what Carla.?" she asks seductively.

Fuck, she is hot, "Well uh, see, shit, you actually are my first kiss, so I think you can figure everything else out." She looked at me shocked "Really." I just nod my head slowly, I feel my checks getting red from embarrassment. "Hey, no it's ok, please don't do that." she says and places her hands on the side of my face. "We can just take things slow ok, I promise, I really want to get to know you better, and I'm sure you have questions for me to. So let's just order some food, and watch some movies and talk."

I just nod my head when my phone started ringing, "Hello is this Carla Smith." I hear. "Yes it is who's speaking." The man says, "This is Otis, from the funeral home, I was needing to set a time for you to come so we can plan your father's arrangement's, is tomorrow at 3:30 ok with you." I breath slowly, here I go again. "Yes sir, I will see you then." I just hung up the phone and started crying again, Miranda ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "That was the funeral home, I need to be there tomorrow at 3:30, I can't do this alone, I don't want." She pulled me closer. "Shhh baby, it's ok, you don't have to be alone I will be there with you." I pulled myself as close to her as I could, I felt like I was in heaven in her arms, I don't know how long I was crying, but I finally felt myself calming down, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I felt her breathe on my ear, "Go to sleep baby it's ok, I've got you." With those last few words I fell asleep quicker than I had in the past year.

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