Chapter 23

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Carla POV

It was two days before the state game, the girls we were working their asses off to win the game.  After practice I had asked Miranda to take me to my house, I hadn't been since I hurt my leg, and wanted to check on the horses and get a few things.  When we arrived, it didn't feel like home, my home was with Miranda, it was killing me not to tell her, that I loved her, but I had a big surprise planned and I wasn't going to ruin it.

I was sitting on the couch going through a pile of mail that had been stacked up for 2 weeks now, most of it was junk, but one was very interesting it was from Texas Tech University. I opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear, Carla Smith,

First off we want to send our deepest regrets on the injury that you have suffered, our scout that was there told us about the injury.  We have followed up with our team doctors and coaches, and we want to extend you the opportunity to play basketball.  We want to offer you full medical needs.  After you graduate we like for you to come join our campus, we will help rehab your injures, we have full confidence in our medical staff and believe you can make a full recovery, to be able to play basketball again.  We are willing to tag you as a red shirt freshman, so your first year would not count against you in the college level.  We would like to take that first year to get you healthy and ready to join our team as a Lady Red Raider.  Please consider our offer.  We look forward to have you on your team.

I sat there stunned, the coach from Texas Tech still wanted me, she believed she could rehab my injuries and get me to play again. I was really excited, "Miranda, look," I said handing her the letter.  She read it and I think she was just as shocked as I was.  Every school walked away from me when I got hurt, except this one.

"Carla that's great." Miranda said, I could hear some disappointment in her voice.  "What are you going to do?" she ask.

"I don't know, It's always been a dream to play for them, but the past 2 weeks I've thought a lot about my future, and I really don't know where basketball comes into that equation." I said.

She looked at me confused, I know I didn't give her a lot of explanation, but I really didn't want to either.  Now I had one of the hardest decisions of my life.  Do I make the dream come true of playing basketball, or do I stay here with Miranda, become something or someone else, because even if I went and played basketball, I couldn't see myself doing it without her by my side.

"Whatever you decide, I'm behind you 100%, it would suck if you would have to stay on campus though, that means we would get little time together, but it's your dream Carla, they are giving you a chance." She said.

I really feel like she is only saying this because she thinks I want to hear it, but honestly I don't.  One hour ago I had my decision made, do I really want to throw that away for a chance to play again, what if I can't.  What if I do all this rehab and I still can't play.  Then I've thrown what 2 years down the drain.  I could just rehab here, get myself better, see what happens after that, there are tons of options, college is not the only one.  My mind is racing, but in the end it all comes back to one thing.  Those eyes that are starring into mine, wondering what I am thinking.  The woman sitting next to me, giving me a speech she doesn't want to give because she thinks it's what I want.  I do have to say this letter does give me leverage, I can definitely use it to my advantage.  "Let's go home" I said grabbing Miranda's hand.

"I thought this was your home?" She asked.

"It was, but it doesn't feel like it now, but can we do one thing, can we have the horses moved to your place, I miss then, I know I can't ride them, but I still want them with me." I said.

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