Chapter 21

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Carla POV

It's game time, the games that really matter start tonight, my focus is strong, I've got the team ready and now we are doing are regular warm ups.  This is the part of the season that I love, competition get's harder, If you lose you go home.  My thoughts are running wild over the past few months, between my dad, and Miranda.  It amazes me how someone good can change your life for the better.  I look up into the stands and I see all the scouts there to watch the game.  This is when you impress, you can send your tapes in all year, but when they show up you better be on your A game.

The game has been a grinder, back and forth we have went.  It's coming down to the end of the game and we are on defense, the game is tied and we need a stop.  I'm guarding the person with the ball, a screen is set to free the shooter, I go under the screen as I see her pull up to shoot, I jump with her and feel my finger tips graze the ball.  I must have got enough of the ball to deflect the shot and Becky comes down with the rebound.  We call timeout immediately after we advance the ball passed half court.

"Ok, 10 seconds left, this is what we wanted, Carla you take the final shot." Miranda said.

"No, they are going to be expecting that, let's set a low and high screen and get Becky open, she'll be wide open for a lay up," I said back.

I knew that Miranda wanted me to be the shot taker, but I knew that they would be all over me, I think she knew I was right because she went to agree, "No, I will get you open, you are our best player, you take this shot." Becky looked at me.  It was funny how on the court we were two totally different people. I just nodded, we broke the huddle.  I had the ball, when you count down 10 seconds it seems to go by fast, but when everything is in slow motion, it seems like an eternity, I looked up at the clock, eight seconds, Becky set one screen as I went around one player trying to get to my favorite spot, of course I was met by another player, but there was another screen set.  A double screen worked perfectly, I was in my spot I went up for the shot, the ball left my hand, in mid air I heard the buzzer, the shot looked good, but unfortunately I didn't get to see it.

When I came down, I came down on my opponents foot, pain seared through my ankle all the way up to my knee.  I fell instantly, I could hear people screaming, but I just didn't know which side, I was screaming in pain trying to figure out of my knee or ankle hurt worse than the other.  I felt soft hands on my shoulder because I was laying on my side, "Carla roll over let me see." I threw my arm over my shoulder "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" I yelled I had no clue who it was but right now I didn't want anybody touching me.

"Give her some space, back up" I could tell it was Miranda's voice, she leaned down and whispered in my ear ,"It's ok baby please roll over let me see." Her voice seem to calm me, I tried rolling over but the pain was so intense, tears were streaming down my face, and I screamed out louder, the gym was completely silent.  "I can't it hurts to bad."

"Someone call the ambulance." I heard someone say, "it's already on the way."  "Let me through I'm a Dr." I could hear people talking, and by this time the pain was so bad I really think I was in and out of consciousness.  I felt strong arms grab my shoulders, being in extreme pain sent me into flash back mode, I could tell they were man hands, I jumped quickly trying to get up, before I realized what happened I must have hit him in the nose. "Don't touch me, I thought you were dead."  I could see my dad's face starring back at me.

Miranda dropped beside me, she knew exactly what was going on, "Carla it's just David, he wants to help until the ambulance get's here, I know your pain, and scared right now, but just please calm down, I felt her hand in mine." I squeezed my eyes shut, and shook my head, when I opened my eyes David was starring at me, "Sorry" I mumbled, I noticed I was now sitting up, I'm guessing Miranda had sent the team to the locker room, but Becky obviously had refuse to go.  She was looking at me terrified, and I heard Miranda gasp, I looked down and my foot was facing the wrong way, panic began to set in, and I think the pain came back.  David gently placed his hands on my shoulders, "Carla, I know it hurts, and I know your freaking the fuck out right now, but you need to stay calm, and as still as possible to not to do anymore damage." I just nodded.

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