Chapter 4

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Miss Young POV

After Carla stormed out of my room I just stood there shocked, did that really just happen I thought to myself. I sat at my desk with my head in my hands, when there was a knock at my door. "Come In." When I looked up and Mrs. White came walking in with Becky I think her name was. Great! "Becky came to my office and said you started yelling and cussing at her for no reason care to explain."

I just shook my head and told her the story calmly even though I wanted to scream right now. When I finished explaining Jackie's face was priceless. Mrs. White looked at Becky, "Two weeks of morning detention with me, one for disrespecting a teacher, and one for lying now go." I will have to say I was quite shocked I didn't expect that to happen.

Mrs. White looked at me, "You can't help her, Miranda, you will make it worse for her and Becky will not stop, her family is to powerful in this town for me to do anything so please, just try to stay out of it." With that she turned and walked out of the door. The rest of the day went by rather smoothly. I couldn't help think about Carla and how I made her feel. Does she not know I was trying to help her, to protect her, does she not know what that feels like. Does she not know I once was her?

I made my way to the gym and to the coaches room to change. This has always been my dream to be a coach and it is finally coming true. I came back to this small town not only because I wanted to teach in a small town but they have the best basketball team in the state for their district. Not only the best team but one player in particular has been on starting varsity since she was in Junior High. Who might I add was ranked in the states top 5 prospects. I was very interested to see who this was.

I came out of the coaches room onto the gym the girls were already warming up and shooting around, I blew my whistle," Everybody huddle up, I am Coach Young and I am your new basketball coach." All the girls started clapping except 2, Becky had a look of shock on her face, which I couldn't help my internal self from jumping up and down, and Carla who looked like she seen a ghost.

"Ok starting tomorrow we have full on practices, but today is the get to know you, and see your skills, I've heard a lot about this team from the previous coach, on how great you guys are and I'm excited to see it, now my biggest question is since nobody can seem to tell me, who the person is that's been on varsity since Junior High, and is ranked top 5." I looked at Becky expecting her to move since she was well over 6'0 tall but she didn't move instead she just rolled her eyes and everybody looked to their right. Oh Shit.

When everybody looked over that's when I noticed only one person not in the group. Carla! "It's you?" She just grinned nodded her head turned to the basket and put up and shot. It was nothing but net my mouth dropped open. She was standing at the distance of a NBA 3 point shot. I closed my mouth and opened it to speak but nothing came out. This season was going to be very interesting. The rest of the practice went smoothly. I dismissed all the girls and went back into the coaches room. I was working on some papers when I heard a basketball in the gym. I wanted to be nosey so I walked out of the office and saw Carla running around the court using skills I've never seen before on any high school or professional level. She made shot after shot, only missing a few.

She noticed me watching her, I walked over to her and when I started to speak she interrupted me, "I am sorry about today, I didn't mean to blow up on you, but I really don't need any help with Becky, I can handle it on my own. Please don't make a big deal out of basketball either, this is my happy place, and get use to seeing me here because I usually stay 2-3 hours after practice.." She looked down at the basketball and grinned and tossed it to me "1vs1." I just smiled back and took the shot, it seemed like eternity as the ball swished through the hoop, I myself this time smiled in victory and looked over at Carla who was now the one shocked, I turned and walked off the court.

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