"Yeah. I've been on this cruise before and Circle C is really fun you'll see. And what were you saying about us dating?"

"We'll I barley know you. But I do like you. I just wanna get to know you more yah know. Ask me next week." I said smiling.

"I get it, I get it. Maybe I will. But I still get to call you babe. Alright?"

"Gottcha." I winked.


After a few hours of hanging out with Noah and his other friend whose name is apparently Daniel and he likes me too. By that time it was 4:45 p.m. So I had to head down to the Dynasty Lounge. Daniel and Noah were in the jaquisi tugging on my arm begging me to stay because their parents didn't make them go.

"Come on please stay." Daniel begged

"Babe come skinny dip with us. And if your mom asks lie." Noah also begged earning a laugh. Skinny dipping. Classic. I really did want to stay but my mom was already mad what use would it serve.

"I can't." I protested. "Why don't you come with me?"

"Because. The waters to warm" begged Noah

"Pleaseeeee" they said in unison.

"Byee" I said walking away only turning back to blow a kiss. And just as I thought they were still watching me. Guys. Typical guys. I giggled to myself. But apparently it wasn't so to myself because people looked at me oddly. I don't even know.

When I got to the Dynasty Lounge it was 5 on the dot. Who knows what kinda trouble I would've been in if I was late. I looked around for my family. No where. Then somebody called my name. I looked everywhere. Then I knew who it was.

It was Noah joking with me. He and Daniel were on the top floor laughing at me. Ugh. Boys. Typical boys.

I didn't find my family so I just sat down in the back row. Oddly nobody was there. But the lounge itself was HUGE! Every so often I'd turn back around to see if I saw my family. Nope nothing.

When it finally started I just decided to get comfortable and listen. So far it sounded pretty fun. Some time I'm not exactly sure when Daniel came and sat next to me.

"Where's Noah?" I quietly whispered concerned.

"With our mom." He replied.

Whoa they're brothers?! Mind=Blown! They don't even look alike! Well then again I haven't compared them. But whatever.

He sat next to me with us listening to the whole thing. It was actually pretty interesting listening about Camp Carnival, Circle C, and Club O2. It all sounded fun. After the explaining part, they decided to give away prizes.

"Okay! First prize to be given away is for the Circle C members. Everyone 12-14 years old raise your hand and my friend Patrick will come and tell you to come up. Patrick raise your hand so people know who to look for." The lady spoke and pointed to Patrick. He got up and waved to the crowd.

"Okay Patrick go!" She said very perky like. I raised my hand hoping he would pick me. I looked over to Daniel to see his reaction and he was just sitting there chilling. "Why don't you want to go up?" I asked concerned. "I don't know I just don't really-" he started until he got cut off by Patrick telling me to go up. EEP! "Be right back" I whispered to him.

I went up on stage and just looked at everybody and smiled. I was the first to be picked so I just stood up awkwardly. Patrick also picked Noah and two other girls and a more attractive guy. I slightly checked him out then noticed the fists on Noah. Aww he's jealous. That's so cute!

My thoughts were interrupted by the perky lady.

"Okay everybody lets meet our contestants. What's your name?" She said looking at me. "Riley." I said flatly. "Hi Riley! Ready to win?" She asked. "Yep. I said trying to sound excited.

She said the same thing to the other contestants.

"Okay everybody! The prize is..." She goes up to the table and holds it up.

Somebody mumbles something and I guess she heard because she says:

"Not just any sticker. It's one for your card. It's for free drinks at any bar! I goes on your card too so you won't loose it. All you have to do is bounce a ball and the two people who get the highest get the sticker. One boy and one girl will win. First is the person who was picked last. So, Nikki goes first!"

The redhead took the ball and slammed it at the floor. It only went up to about her hip and she wasn't very tall. Next was Noah. I took the ball with one hand and also slammed it into the floor. For some reason his went pretty high. It was up to his neck which ment it was just about my height. Then went another girl. I didn't really pay attention to her.

But hers was the same height as Noah's! Wow! A girl wearing girly stuff worked out. Well, either that or luck. Next, went hunkie. His bounced up to his chest. Which wasn't enough to beat Noah's. So Noah got free drinks for 3 weeks. Now it was my turn. I took the ball from his hands and gazed into his eyes. Wow.

Snapping out of it I took the ball and slammed that thing to the floor. Mine also surprisingly went up to my neck. Not enough to beat strong chicks tho. So I lost. Oh well. Everyone clapped for strongie and Noah. He took out his card and let perky put it on for him. As I walked off the stage hotty elbowed me and wink. Oh em gee! Ahh!

A huge blush came to my face. Thank god it was dark so nobody saw. In my seat I saw a note.

Thanks for coming. You are signed up. Be back in the room by 4 a.m. See you in the morning! Oh I don't care what you do. But if you need me dad and I will be in the club or casino. Have fun. Love you.


Wow. She came. Whatever. And yay! Whatever I want. I guess I'll hang with the guys. This should be fun.


(A/N:) Schools starting. Oh no! Ugh! I'll update ASAP! I've actually enjoyed writing. Hope you enjoyed. Chapter 3 Coming up. Later!!



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