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Chapter 52- So Pizza



"Abc is easy
It's like counting up to 3
Sing a simple melody
That's how easy love can be!" Naldo sang over and over again.

After a couple of times I started to create a beat to it and Barry joined in.

We were sat on a park bench doing this. We attracted a couple of people who clapped in time with us.

At the end we got a big applaud and to be honest I felt quite proud of myself and the boys.

"Here my little sugars. Take this." The woman looked around 45-48 years old. She handed us a £10.

I smiled, "Thanks you so much!"

"No problem, Riley." I was taken aback.

"How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me do you?" She had hazel eyes, curly hair and my skin colour. No way was this my...


"Hello, my baby." She had such a warm smile but, all the pain she put me through, "I know what you're thinking. Why."

I nodded.

"Because, baby, I was poor as and I didn't have any money to feed you, clothe you so I did. I promised myself one day I'd get you back. But when I went, you were gone."

"Mum, I-I don't know what to say.."

"So, go on, ask me questions."

"Where's dad? Do I have a brother? Sister? What does my auntie look like? What does my grandma look like? Do you like yellow roses, too?"

"Okay, dad is at work right now. Yes an older brother. Not that I know of. Your auntie looks like me. Your nana looks like you. I love yellow roses...happy?"

"Where's my brother? What's his name?"

"Lets find somewhere else to talk." Mum smiled.

Oh my God. This is so much to take in, "Let's go back to my house. You can meet my adopters. You too, Teddies."


We all arrived back at the house, "Michael?!" I shouted.

"Yass, babe? Oh, hello." Mikey smiled at my mum, "Riles, who's this?"

"Mike, this is my mum. The real one." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." He politely shook her hand, "Come in."

We sat in the kitchen and continued to talk.

"Okay, your brother is called Vincént but he prefers Vince. Don't call him Vincey because he'll flip."

"Noted. Call him Vincey." I smirked.

"He's 22 years old. And his birthday is 12 days after yours."

"I don't get it. You put me up for adoption but not him."

"Vincént was living in hospital for 4 years after an accident we couldn't pay for-"

"I get it. You put me up for adoption because I was too expensive for you-"

"No! It's not like that at all!"

"What's it like then?"

She stayed silent.

"That's what I thought." I scoffed.

"-and do you know what she called me a female dog! Luke can you believe this!" I heard Liv's voice huff.

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