Goodbye Cruel World!

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Riley came home earlier than I expected. She was only out for like 20 minutes; it takes me at least 45 minutes to clear my head. She's been down, lately. There's definitely something up, and nobody's telling me anything. I turned to Calum, "What's wrong with Riley?"

"Beats me. Nobody's telling anything." Calum complained, "I'm so worried about her you know? She's been so depressed about Liv, her mum, her dad, Tyler, school."

"What's happening at school?"

"I have no idea. But, since she's gone back to school, she's been upset about something." Calum shrugged.

Something suspicious is going on here; and I want to know about it.


I was told not to tell Luke or Calum about the bad thing that happen in school because Ashton and Mike said they would flip. So, we've been keeping everything a secret, but I can tell they're getting worried about something. Luke's always asking me about school, and how I am, Calum's been giving me more hugs than usual. It was getting creepy but, his hugs were the best.

"Riley?" I whispered, shaking her a little. It was Thursday night--well technically it's morning because it's 3:15 am. She's gunna be pissed but, oh well.

"Riley!" I whispered a little louder. She moaned but continued to sleep.

"Riley!" I shook her firmly and said even louder.

"What?" She groaned, and turned to face me.

"Do you think Luke and Calum are getting suspicious?" I asked.

"That's all you woke me up for?" Riley mumbled.

"Answer me, it's a really important question." I urged.

"I guess, but it's not really a big deal if thy find out anyway." She rolled onto her back and faced the ceiling.

"How is it not a big deal? Didn't Mikey and Ash tell you what would happen if they found out that Cameron is being a cow?" I was confused.

"Yeah, they did. But we can deal with it ourselves. Who cares." I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"What's wrong? What did Cameron do?" My voice immediately softened.

"It wasn't just him this time. Do you know that picture that me and Tyler took that night under Grandmother Willow?" I nodded in understanding what picture she was on about and then gasped,

"He deleted it."

She nodded, a tear spilling her eye. Those boys are literally the definition of dog turds! They took it too far now. I don't think they understands how much pain Riley is in. I don't care about my problems any more because Riley's hurting more than me.

Riley has basically lost everyone. Mum, Dad, Tyler, heck even me. I may be here but I've lost every precious memory of us two. They're gone. Cameron is being a cow and not helping. To be honest he's just messing up things even more.

Alex, Chase, Kannis, Oscar and Cameron are messing everything up. EVERYTHING!

"What do you me to do to them?" I asked sincerely.

"Nothing. But, I really wanna talk to Tyler." She admitted.

"That can be arranged." I smiled weakly. She smiled back.

Time to call Josh.


"Luke, chill."

"No! I demand to know what's going on!" He looked angry, like super angry.

He definitely knows we're not telling him something. Angry Luke, honestly it scares the living daylights outta me.

"ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN! I swear to god, if you don't tell me exactly what's going on, I am literally beating you up, then marching down to the SCHOOL and DEMAND to talk to all the people Liv AND Riley talk to."

Today, I--Ashton Fletcher Irwin-- was killed by Luke Robert Hemmings. It was a good day. Goodbye cruel world!

"Cameron Brooks has been basically bullying Riley. And his little pose, Chase, Kannis, Alex and Oscar are all in on it. They are also being horrible to Liv." I mumbled.

"Ashton! ARE YOU CRAZY! AND YOU'VE NOT TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!" Luke was fuming. If we were in a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears.

"I'm going to that school!" He grabbed my hair and pulled me out the door.


Fuming. Fuming. Freaking FUMING! You can't not tell me things like that. Ashton and Michael haven't even done anything about it. Great.

Riley, poor baby doll.

Liv, poor babe. All the crap they've been through, and then Cameron and his group of idiots come along and completely "helps" this situation.

When we finally reached the school, I was a little calmer, but still angry. Ashton was being very quiet. He better be feeling sorry, I was fuming. WHY HADN'T HE TOLD ME EARLIER!?!?

I walked into the school and up to the reception lady.

"How may I help you?" She asked, with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Can I talk to the principle, please?" I asked, through gritted teeth.

"I don't know. He's pretty busy right now." She murmured looking at her computer screen.

"It's extremely important. This is about Liv and Riley Whitehead." I was losing my patience rapidly.

"Who might you be, if I may ask?" She said, sternly.

"Luke Hemmings. This is Ashton Irwin." I nodded my head in his direction.

I saw Principle Franklin walk out of his office.

"I NEED to see the principle." I begged.

She rolled her eyes, "Principle Franklin? A young gentleman need to speak with you."

Principle Franklin walked up to me and Ash, a broad smile on his face, "Luke, Ash! How're you guys?"

"Actually, we need to talk to you about something important."

His smile instantly turned into a frown...


Hey guys. Luke found out. Does Calum know yet though? What will he think? What's going to happen in Principle Franklin's office?

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