'I will make it come back'

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"What can you remember?" Ashton asked.
"Well, my mum and dad had a fight. I can't remember what about. I think we ran away and then met Harry. And, my dad is a jerk." I nodded.
"That'll do." Ashton said.
"What if we invite some of her old friends over. Maybe that'll refresh her mind." Calum suggested.
"Good idea." Ashton said.
"What's a good idea?" Luke asked.
Michael and Riley by his side.
"We're going to try and find some of Liv's friends." Calum answered looking at Riley.
She instantly got her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts.


Josh. Cameron. Taylor and Julia. Those were her best friends.
I dialed Josh first.
"Hey, popstar." He greeted.
"Joshy, hi. Um, have you heard about the accident?"
"Yeah, it's all over the news. How's Liv?"
"She's ok, but she has amnesia." I heard Josh gasp.
"Anything I can do?" He asked.
"Yeah, can you come over?"
"Sure when?"
I told him the adress and time and to also call Cameron.
I called Taylor and Julia.
They were all coming. Mike was dropping me off at Tyler's in a bit. Strangly, he wasn't picking up the phone.
Julia was the first to show up.
"Jee Jee!" I hugged her.
"Rie Pie!" She hugged back, "Where's my best friend?"
I pointed towards the lounge and she ran in. Immediatly, I heard talking.
Cameron was next. We exchanged hellos and I showed him to the lounge. Taylor was next. Then Josh.
"I love how I called you first, yet you were last to come." I laughed.
"Hello to you, too!" He laughed aswell, "Where are you going?"
Josh frowned.
"Tyler's moved away."
I was speechless. This can't be true. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.
"He moved a few days ago." Josh whispered.
"W-what? Why?" I asked, bearly audible.
"I don't know. He said goodbye to everyone. Aparently, not you."
My eyes stung with tears, "N-no."
He nodded slowly, "Sorry, popstar."
Josh pulled me in for a hug and I cried on his shoulder.
Ty was my best friend. Why? I don't understand. Why would he leave without saying goodbye?
I felt so heartbroken yet so angry. Why? I thought we were best friends. I guess not.
"Where did he move to?" I asked, after calming down.
"London." Josh answered.
The other side of the world.
That made me feel even worse.
"Don't worry. I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this." Josh tried to reason.
"Unless, Tyler didn't like me. And that's why he moved away." I mumbled.
"Hey, Tyler loved you like you were his sister. He would never leave because of that. Don't you ever think that." Josh said, sternly.
I nodded, slowly. Josh sighed.
"I'm sure there's a reason. There has to be." Josh whiped the tears I didn't even know were falling and pulled me in for another hug. Then, we went into the lounge to Liv, Julia, Cameron and Taylor, Josh's arm on my shoulder.
"You ok?" Calum asked.
I nodded.
"Ready to go?" Michael asked.
I tear fell from my eye, "We're not going."
"Why?" Mike asked standing up. We went into the kitchen.


I hope she's ok.
"She'll be fine. Just, a little heartbroken." The boy, who I'm pressuming was Josh, said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I'll explain later. Right now, getting your bloody memory back." Josh said sternly.
"Nah ah." He cut me off, "I will make it come back."

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