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Chapter 38- Questioning


"Are you angry at me?" Liv asked, filling the silence.

"No. Its just, why did you want to go with Oscar?" I pouted.

"Because as soon as Riley got into the ambulance, me and Oscar were ready to go the hospital." She explained.

"I understand that, but I was also ready to go." I tried to reason.

"I didn't know that, though. Sorry Chase." Liv gave a weak smile.

"I'm sorry, too, Princess." I smiled back.

I stopped at a red light and looked out of the window. In the distance I saw a familiar green motorbike. I smirked and turned to Liv,

"I'm going to get something to eat and get Riley a little gift. Want anything?"

"Um, no thanks. Just hurry back." She said back, not looking up from her phone.

Quickly, I parked the car and made my way over to the bike.


What was taking Chase so long? Its been at least 10 minutes.

I slumped down into the passenger seat and continued tapping the screen on my phone out of pure bordem and stress.

Finally, the car door opened and Chase climbed in.

"What took you so long?" I huffed.

"Sorry, it took a while to find something good." He shrugged, innocently.

"Just step on it. I can't wait any longer!" I said, sitting up again.


"Can we see Riley Whitehead?" I asked.

"What relation do you have towards Miss Whitehead?" The mean looking reception lady asked.

"I'm her sister Liv Whitehead." I rushed.

"Okay, she's in room B23. Second floor."

"Thank you so much." I smiled before headed to the stair case to the second floor.


"Oh my god." I whispered, looking at my sister on the hospital.

She looked so...lifeless. It was scary.

Slowly, I made my way towards the bed. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Just wishing that sound would go away, I slumped onto the chair closest to the bed.

Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound continued. A lump formed in my throat and my pulse sped up. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Thud. Thud. Thud. My heart went. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I swallowed, and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

The door opened, gently and Luke popped his head through.

"Liv, come here, please."

I nodded and made my way over to him.

"What's up?" My voice a little shaky.

"This is Officer Sheila." I looked up to see a woman in a police uniform, "She would like to ask you some questions."

"O-okay." I nodded and followed her to a spare room.

"Ok, darling. I'm going to record everything you say and everything will be taken as evidence for your father's trial in court." She smiled, trying to comfort me.

"Okay." I weakly smiled back.

"Can you explain what your life was like before you met the boys?" Was her first question.

"I know from when I was little I loved him and he "loved" me. Well, that's what I thought anyway.

It was only until a couple months ago, my sister, Riley, heard him talking to another woman. She wasn't any relative or anything because she heard him call her babe." The police officer nodded, understanding.

"We tried to tell our mother but she wouldn't have any of it. We figured she had to learn for herself. That night he slapped Riley hard in the face and she passed out. She woke up the next morning not remembering what had happened. Luckily, after I told her she remembered everything." I stopped to catch my breath.

"Riley was the first to go downstairs and she was making breakfast for herself and I. That Jerk-Bag followed her in and asked -no- commanded her to make him breakfast. Of course, she refused. Furious, he slapped her and punched her stomach and made her clean up the plate she dropped." My breath hitched, however I continued.

"We ran away that night. We were scared that he will do more damage to us. I was scared he was going to injure Riley even more. We slept on a park bench. The next morning, a guy called Harry found us and took us home.

Our mother finally divourced my father and drove to my Aunt and Uncle's. On the way there, however, we crashed into a tour bus and our mother passed away.
I woke up with amnesia and Riley had broken ribs. She didn't act like she had broken ribs. She was always active and never complained or moaned about them. It was like her ribs were never broken in the first place." A smile crept onto my face but soon disappeared.

"Okay, hun, do you know the reason he most of the time attacked Riley?" The officer asked.

"I don't know, to be honest. I only found out that he cheated on my mother with Tyler Evan's."

Then it hit me.

I looked up at the police woman, "He attacked Riley because of Tyler. Riley and Tyler were so close. The bestest of friends, he didn't want that. He wanted them separated. That's why he moved Tyler and his mother to London. To get away from Riley." I finished.

The officer smiled, "Okay, that's all the information I need. Thank you, darling."

I thanked her back and went back into Riley's room. Luke, Mikey, Calum, Ashton and Chase were sat there.

"How was it, babes?" Ash asked.

"Scary." I admitted, "But I found out some very disappointing news."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Calum asked.

Sighing, I started from the beginning.


I don't think you understand how much effort it took me to right this chapter. No ideas came into my tiny brain. ;)

But here y'all are. Hope you enjoyed it.

Still no idea how I'm going to finish this book. Also, I need a vote on who you guys want to get together.

Tyler and Riley

Cameron and Riley

Oscar and Riley

Chase and Liv

Josh and Liv

Please choose xx

furthermore, I might not update every 3 days because it takes a long time to make these chapters. Sorry guys.

Vote, comment, share.

Don't be a silent reader XD

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