Charlie Bear

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Chapter 47- Charlie Bear


"Teddy Bear!" A little girl called Charlie squealed.

"Hey Charlie Bear!" I kneeled down to her size.

Charlie was 10 year old who had growing problems. She had freckles, long, brown hair and her eyes looked like they sparkled when you looked into them.

"I've not seen you in ages, beautiful." I smiled.

She blushed light, "I know. I've not seen you, too. Well, I have when I'm walking to the shop with Jasmin."

"Why didn't you try to get my attention?"

"Jasmin wouldn't let me." She pouted.

Jasmin was a mean girl I used to have to share a room with in the orphanage. I never knew why, but she always hated me.

"That's mean. But I'm here now, Charlie Bear." I pulled her in for a hug.

"Are you only staying for today?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, but I promise I will come back and visit."

"It's nearly your birthday!" Charlie jumped up and down.

"Oh yeah." I remembered.

2 more weeks until my birthday, sadly, my birthday is on the day we come back from the Easter Hols.

"What are you getting?"

"Um...I dunno. I don't really want anything. Seeing you is enough birthday presents for me."

"Oh, but that's boring Riles." She scoffed, "And cheesy."

"You know you just called yourself boring and cheesy." I laughed.

"Aww, poop!" Charlie chuckled.

"But honestly Char, I don't want anything." I shrugged.

"Dinner Time!" Miss Valentine shouted.

"Leggo!" We skipped down the stairs.

I helped all the orphans get their food first before getting mine. I didn't want to separate food my school was getting because honestly, I much prefer what the orphans get.

Instead of sitting with the students and Principle F, I sat with Naldo and Barry.

"Let me in guys." I said, sitting in between them both.

"Riley Bear!" Barry greeted, "We've not seen you in ages and we need to know what's been happening!"


"Woah, slow down!" Naldo interupted, "In detail!"

I rolled my eyes and continuted slower.

After I told them the whole story they were gobsmacked.

"5sos?! Oh my God! Oh My God! Oh My God!" They

"You're so lucky!"

"Not really. I mean I get hate mail and all that. I was bullied in school. I did break my ribs and I cried nearly every night because Liv couldn't remember me." I sighed.

"Hate mail? What hate mail?" Barry asked.

"Here's the most recent one." I showed them it.

"We know who that is." Naldo said.

"Who? Who!" I shook him.

"Chill." He leaned down to my ear, "It's Jasmin."

"But why?"

"Listen Riles, she's always been jealous of you. First because you're friends with us and we're awesome. Second you're beautiful and she isn't."
That made me blush.
"Third she's a bitch and you're sweet. And finally, you're always chosen to be adopted, not counting to be sent back."

"There are the four reasons." Barry nodded.

"Aww you guys!" I put my arms around their waists and hugged them.
They hugged me back.

"Well, well, well. Look what the garbage dragged in. Oh wait, sorry, you are the garbage!" The mean girl herself said.
And she wasn't alone.

"Hey Jas, hoe're you doing?" I heard Barry and Ronaldo snicker.

"Don't call me Jas, Shitbag." She stook her middle finger up and I just laughed.

"I see you've a posse now." I glanced in the direction of the two girls who were glaring at me.

"This is Katrin and Emma." She chewed her gum loudly.

"Say it don't spray it." I said, wiping the little spit that got on my cheek.

"I don't have time for you; come on girlies." Shooting me one last glare, she and her dogs walked off.

"Are they new to the orphanage?" I asked.

"They joined about a month ago." Barry nodded.

"I am so sorry." I smirked.

"Worst thing is, she still thinks she can be with me. Like bitch, you are a cow and I am a God! Do you know what we do to cows in godland?" Barry started.

"We eat 'em!" Me and Naldo finished.

We all burst out laughing. But if course the laughing had to end because school was going back to school.

Sighing, I kissed both of their cheeks and they kissed mine and we made our way to the front door.

"Goodbye our gorgeous goddess!" They said in unison.

"Goodbye my Almighty Gods! Do not find another like me!" I say dramatically.

"We will never! Bye Riles, love you!" They shouted again.

"Bye Teddies, Love you, too!" I waved them off and got onto the coach.


"How was your day, babe?" Mikey asked.

"It was great-"

"Riley, I'm so sorry! If I knew you were adopted, I would've been a nicer sister!"

"That was the point of not telling you. I wanted you to act like you would if you had a sister. Same DnA same, everything."

"You were adopted?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, I was. That orphanage was my home. My real one. I had lots of friends there but 2 of them were like my brothers. My family."

"Aww, that's sweet. And that's why the hatemail got to you." Mike realized.

I nodded and Mikey pulled me into a hug.

"So, is your second time being adopted?" Calum asked.

"N-no. It's the.....37th." I nodded.

"30 what now?"

I chuckled, nervously, "Yeah. Not many people liked me."

"Well, Riley and Liv we don't like you, we love you." And they all hugged me and Liv.


I fricken love Naldo and Barry. Points to you if you know where they're from.

Song of the....update?

Don't be a silent reader xD

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