
I walked into the house and couldn't help but look at it in awe. The Omega really did a good job, this is better than my previous parties.

I walked to my room to get ready for the party before going to the kitchen to eat something but the sight made me want to bend the Omega over and pound into him. He is wearing old jeans that are too small for him, making them cling to him deliciously, and an apron with no T-shirt. He was running around the kitchen trying to get food ready.

"Why aren't you wearing a T-shirt?" Was the first thing that came to mind and accidentally came out of my mouth. Why am I feeling like this? I'm supposed to hate the Omega, not want to fuck him until he can't walk or talk. Eh, my wolf must be confused.

"I don't have any clothes. I only have two pairs; a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and underwear for school that I wash everyday so they are clean for the next day, and this jean and a T-shirt for when I'm home. But my home T-shirt was destroyed when I got punished the last time." He said while still running around. I don't think he knew that he just answered me.

I sat down and a plate was immediately placed in front of me. I dug in and ignored the Omega while he too ignored me. I do kinda feel bad for him. He is like our slave here and we don't do so much as buying him a piece of clothing and from what I understand, he only has one underwear.

Eh, he'll be strong. I thought with a shrug.


It's 7:08 and my party is in full swing. There is only one minute left before I find my mate and Luna. My wolf told me that she's in our pack but he didn't say their name.

I looked at my watch and see that I have 15 seconds left. I lift my head and look around the room and I see that everyone, except the Omega, is hammered. I saw him rush to his room after glancing at the clock, it was as if he's running away from something.

I looked at my watch and paid attention to the seconds hand as it counted down. 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find my mother with a sad look on her face. "Please be careful, Liam." She said before leaving.

I didn't pay much attention to that because I started smelling my mate's scent, it smelled of Earth and innocence, which is weird because not a lot a people are innocent.

I followed the scent and it led me to the Omega's room. Weird. I tried opening it but it was locked. "Omega, open the damn door before I break it down and punish you." I commanded.

I stood there for a few seconds before I heard a click, signalling that the door has been unlocked. I opened it and walked it, the Omega was still wearing the old jeans he was wearing and he had curled up on himself.

I walked closer to him but he moved back, with each step I take, he moved back. I finally got to him when he hit the wall. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to claim what's mine." I put my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. I haven't released my anger on anything, so this will be a good release. I'm going to fuck him and then reject him

'Don't do that, Liam. Claim him but don't reject him, you will regret it.' Ares said. He's such a party pooper.

"You're my mate and I want to mate with you." I said to him and he seemed like he was thinking this through.

"Okay, but you have to let your wolf out." I nodded and gave Ares control. I don't care how he wants this, I just want to release the stress and tension in my body.

"Take care of him, Ares. We both understand that this will be the only time you two can get this close and I wanted Mystic to spend this time with his mate." He said and touched my face after I gave Ares control. Oh, so Mystic is his wolf. Wait! When did he get his wolf?

He let his wolf take over and let's just say I never knew the Omega was that flexible.


Heya. So what did you think???

Rejection is next chapter. Ooooooh

Niall knows Liam's plans. Our baby is not an idiot.

Luna found out that Liam is the mate Niall was talking about. How do you think she's going to react when Liam rejects Niall?

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