Ginny went back up the stairs to look for Hermoine. She was sure Hermoine was just sleeping. Where else would Hermoine be besides the library. But so early in the morning?

She got to the room she shared with Hermoine and looked around. The girl was missing. Just then, the bathroom door opened and Hermoine stepped out. "So you're alive. Ron's worried where you were because you don't ever over sleep."

"I haven't overslept. I had an extra long shower."

Ginny laughed and bounded down the stairs, Hermoine in tow. "I found her!"

Ron smiled at Hermoine and waved. He had to hit Harry as Harry had fallen asleep. Hermoine looked between the two. "So tired already?"

Harry yawned. "Ron wanted to throw a party but no one attended so he kept me up all night."

"I did not!"

Hermoine and Ginny followed the bickering boys down for breakfast. Hermoine looked at all the food. "For the first time in my life, I feel like Ron at the table."

"Very funny, Hermoine."

Hermoine smiled sweetly and began dishing out food. She soon caught sight of a blonde mop at the Slytherin table.

The miserable lump was teasing poor Ella. He held a spoon in front of her and each time she tried to take a bite, he'd move farther backward.

Hermoine recalled that her full name was Druella Rosier. The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She looked closely at the girl.

She had intense gray eyes that were captivating, and long, pin-straight, black hair. She reminded Hermoine of Narcissa Malfoy.

"Whatcha looking at, 'Mione?"

Hermoine turned her head to Harry, in front of her and said dryly, "I'm wondering when Malfoy found a heart."

Harry, Ron and Ginny all turned to watch Malfoy finally give Ella a bite. Ron seemed the most shocked when Malfoy smiled and high fived Ella.

"Maybe the war changed him?" offered Ginny.

Hermoine scoffed. "The war didn't change him. There's something about that little girl that changed him."

"I wonder if she's Imperiused him?"

Hermoine rolled her eyes. "Don't be daft, Ron. She's eleven. Most students don't even hear of the Unforgivable Curses at school."

"We did."

"We had a Death Eater teaching us."

"Speaking of," Harry interjected, "I wonder who our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is going to be."

That got half the Gryffindor table talking and guessing what type of teacher they'd get. Hermoine smiled to herself and pulled out a book to read.

Accross the room, at the Slytherin table, Ella was watching Draco closely, as he stared at the Gryffindor table. She poked Draco when she saw a black haired girl walking toward the table. "Is that Pugface Parkinson?"

Draco grinned. "Yes, but don't call her that, and don't tell her Granger said it."

Ella nodded and went back to her food.

Pansy Parkinson scanned the slithering table for Draco. After finding him, she headed in his direction. "Draco!" she called.

Draco winced and turned to face her. "Parkinson. How are you?"

"Wonderful. How have you been?"

Hermione watched, amused, from the Gryffindor table as Pansy practically sat on Draco. Yes, he had Pugface Parkinson. She laughed quietly and went back to her book.

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