Tennis Freaks And Geeky Math Tutors

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Today I walk by the tennis courts and sigh. I'm not one into the tennis team. I mean yeah they are nice looking men but just I'm not one to fawn over men who do not want it. Being a Saturday I'm stuck here to talk to Ryuzaki-Sensei. I knew I was failing her class and she had told me that she had asked another student to be my tutor.
At this I sigh again as a voice behind me says, " 70% chance you are here to see Ryzuki-sensei. 30% chance that you are the female I will be tutoring for Ryzuki-sensei's math class."
I grit my teeth as Ryuzaki-sensei jogs up and says," Ah (Y/N), this is Inui, Sadaharu. He will be your tutor. I will leave you two to set up a schedule and all that."
I rub my nose underneath my eyes. You see I have Leukemia and I was just released recently due to being in regression once again. They can't get it to go away, only to go into regression. My parents fear the worse recently because this is the 5-6th time I've been in regression. But I get horrendous headaches more and more lately. I sit on a bench outside and Inui says," Well it will have to be late in the afternoon, after tennis practice since I am a regular. But some times I do train with Kaidoh, so we may only be able to study 2-3 times a week giving you a 75% higher chance to raise your grade. If that is inefficient I will have to do it 100% to see where you are weak."
I nod and Inui says," We will start Tom arrow since I would like to look at your test scores and notes and what ever else is hindering you from achieving better grades."
I nod and Inui shuts his notebook and hands me his phone number and says," For now that is all we need to do this is my number. Text me your address and I'll be there tomorrow. But for now there is a 50% chance Bouchu is annoyed with me being gone so long."
I nod and head out. Once at an ice cream shop I order and sit as I wait for the day to go by.

The next day I send Inui a message with my address. I moved all the machine's away and cleaned up my room. Once finished I hear a knock on the front door. I run down and open it seeing Inui and Kaoru-kun. I had a feeling Inui would want to tutor us both. I see Kaoru-kun crinkle his nose at the smell of cleaner's. I sigh and we start, half way through I open the fridge and pull out a couple soda's and make tea. I then bring out some Mochi for us to snack on. Once done they leave and I'm pretending to smile. Once they leave I run to the bathroom and throw up. I start crying again. I hated being sick and not being able to live my life.

Unknown to me Kaoru turns to Inui and says," Senpai is it just me or did her house smell like cleaner for a hospital? Plus those jugs in her fridge and the blood bags."
Inui then says," I know Kaoru. 80% chance she didn't want us to know something. But a 60% chance it is personal. But another 70% chance it has kept her secluded. Plus if you add in how she has no friends 100%. So I'm unsure what it is. But I intend to find out."

The next day, I walk to school but still rubbing her nose. I notice her dozing off in class. At lunch I call out to have her sit with Kaoru, myself and the tennis team. It isn't until Eiji drags her over does she decide to sit with us. Once she opens her bento do I see many fruits and vegetables along with tons of protein and two things of milk and one of yogurt. She eats but then takes off at a fast pace. I follow a bit later and notice her faint coming out of the bathroom. I scream for help and Ryuzaki-sensi comes running. She calls for an ambulance and we go to the hospital. Once there I see an elderly couple come in. They don't look like their daughter. Maybe she's adopted, but why? The next moment the doctor comes out and he comes over and says," Well from what we can tell she has malnutrition, lethargic and constantly throwing up seen in those with Leukemia."
Her mother says," Has it started again? She's supposed to be in regression! "
The doctor says," No her blood says she's fine, she's still in regression but I'd like to do an MRI of her brain just in case."
He mother nods and Ruyzaki sensei takes us over. We stop in front of them and Ruyzaki sensei says,"Mrs and Mr. (Y/LN), I am Sumire Ruyzaki and this is the young man who called for help for your daughter Sadaharu Inui. He is a regular on the tennis team. The other's are the tennis team."
Her mother nods and says," Thank you my dear boy. (Y/N) hasn't had an easy life. Being abandoned due to her illness. My husband and I watched her parents fight until we found out she was abandoned. I couldn't sit by and let this poor child be alone. She takes care of us as much as we do her. But I now see why her parents fell a part. It is hard when your child is sick. But I can't just watch either. I am so lucky she has friends like you. She has spent so much of her time alone and with out friends or people. She doesn't want to see people suffer due to her sickness. I have told her we would suffer more knowing she had suffered being alone."
She comes out and sits down with her father. I notice and smile. 100% that she is tired and needs sleep. I pause in my writing and look up in thought, " Why am I analyzing this girl so much she doesn't mean anything to me or the tennis team right?"

A couple weeks later she is back in class and happy and bouncy. She smiles and watches us, until after practice. Ruyzaki sensi then has us line up and she bows and says," Ano, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I had put so much stress on you and for helping me and being my friends. Ryoma-Kun thank you for informing my parents, I know you were very aware of what I had before anyone else did."
Ryoma pulls his hat down hiding his blush. The other's nod and hug me as Inui seems unhappy at the fact.
After classes I see Inui-kun in the library and say,"Ano, Inui-Kun."
He looks up at me then looks away and I say," Why are you avoiding me?"
I look at her and notice her watery eyes. It seems like she's about to cry. I grab her and wrap my arms around her. I then slam my lips on hers and run of in jerky movements. I can't believe I kissed her. I barley know her but from my notebooks I do know about her and she did try to kiss back. I'm confused as I walk to the tennis court. I see the other's and they say," Inui finally has a girlfriend!! "
I shake my head and say," I ran away from her."
The other's notice her off in the slight distance looking at me and the ground. I jog over and say," I'm sorry, I..."
She smiles and says," I'm transferring today. Thought you should know."
I couldn't believe just because of me to leave. I grab her arm and kiss her hard. Her eyes go wide and I say," No your not, your going to be my girlfriend and your staying here. Your going to fight and win, I promise you that."

2 yrs later
Today has been two years. Two long years. After my regression ended I got really sick again and fought the Leukemia with my friends help. Inui and I have been engaged since we entered High School. Inui and I are happy. He recently went to the U-17 camp. I know he'll go far and I'll help him every step of the way!!

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