Of Fake Smiles And Promises

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  Today I walk into Seigaku with a smile on my face. Today I get to see Obachan and Nee-chan again. I smile and bounce for the tennis courts. At the courts I bounce on top of the fence watching the boys play. Everyone looks up and I giggle and wave. I jump down doing a flip and landing on my feet.
     The next moment Sakuno comes in squealing and says," Nee-chan your back!"
      I hug her and Obachan smiles and hugs me as well. She then says," Today my other granddaughter (Y/N) will be helping as manager of the boys tennis team. "

     I smile and head inside as Obachan hands me my jacket for the manager. The girls all whine and I settle and say," Girls get away from the fence because there is a high probability that if the regular's get serious enough a ball can fly and hit you. We don't need this. As well as you interrupt practice! Second first years chant and pick up balls! Second years line up for practice with the regular's. Each regular has a basic of skills they are good at I want each of the 2nd years to move into groups of all rounders, base liners and ectra. Then each person who is opposite of their playing style will play the under years. This will help with style training, muscle training as well as help the younger years. From my stand point you regular's barely ever play the younger year's or help them so now let's start,chop chop!,"I say.
     Everyone pauses and a strange male with glasses starts dividing the teams up. I think he's kind of cute but meh, my best friend Saki would like him, she's from Rikki Dai. He then tells which person to go where and we start off. By the time training is done I toss everyone a bottle of water. We all start cleaning up and head off for home. I wait for obachan since I would be living with them. But Saki and I decided that if we wanted our own place her parents would pay half and mine would as well. But we both decided for now we'd do things this way. She and I had known each other for a long time. Her parents know mine. So it was never a big deal to have her around.
     Once we leave we see Fuji-san and Yuuta-kun. I squeal and run over to Yuuta and hug him into my breasts tightly.  Fuji opens his eyes and Yuuta pushes me off. When he sees me he hugs me back and I giggle. He then talks to me a bit and then says," Ryuzaki-san you haven't met my older Aniki Syusuke Fuji."
       I nod and offer my hand and he says, " Nice to meet you manager-san."
      I smile and say, " (Nickname) is fine."
     Fuji then smiles and Yuuta says," When did you grow the last time I saw you, you were small and not...."
    "Curvy," I say.
    He blushes and nods and I giggle and say," Mahhh, I just developed quicker and hit a growth spurt."
    He nods but blushes. I notice Fuji looking at Yuuta and I smile. Obachan walks over and says," I have a meeting tonight so you two will be heading home alone. (Y/N), here is some yen in case you two want to get something to eat."

    We both nod and head on our way. Once home Sakuno and I set my things up. Once done I shower and head downstairs and fix a quick dinner. Once done Sakuno and I eat and talk. She asks me how I've been, I tell her about the IQ test mother and father had me take and learning tennis from professionals who sought me out at the tennis courts in the parks as we traveled. She was more annoyed since I had developed. I hadn't meant to it just happened. She and I laughed and had fun though.

       I then go upstairs and open my phone and text Saki.

Saki: Hey girly what's up?

Me: Just thinking about my new school. Met a guy you'd like! He seems just your type too.

Saki: Oh yeah! ;( your not trying to set me up with Akaya again are you??

Me: Hey he's not that bad

Saki: He's not my type :O

Me: LOL yeah yeah i know. Do you know Inui from Seigaku.

Saki: I've heard of him but seen him no.

Me: You should you'd like him *nudge nudge wink wink*

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