Speed Stars And Broken Hearts

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Today I step on the street courts and smile. I see Kamio and sigh. I just sit back and watch him with Ann. You see Ann, Fuji, Kippei, Shinji, Yuuta, Momo and Ryoma all know I like Kamio but it would probably take hitting him with a 4 by 4 to make him notice. But lately I've noticed Ann has been making more passes at Momo and hanging out with him more. I've noticed the dejected look on his face. Today I decided I would tell him. I pull my skirt to primp it. I then pull my hair up and walk over with my racquet. I then tap him and say,"Ano, Kamio-kun would you train with me today?"
He looks at me and looks back at Ann. But he pauses and looks at me again mouth agape. I giggle and say,"Kamio-kun is going to catch flies."
He notices my dazzling smile as he shuts his mouth and says, " Sure (Y/N), I'll play you."
I giggle and latch on to his arm and send him a dazzling smile. In the end Kamio won and I pout. He smiles and hugs me as I hug back as Ann and Momo come down with Ann latched to his arm. Kamio and I pull away as he says," Hey Ann want to hang out?"
Ann then says," I can't I'm on a date with my boyfriend. He just met my parents today and nee-chan doesn't mind. So maybe another time Kamio-kun."
They both walk away as I notice Kamio look really sad. He then looks at me and says," (Y/N), I'm sorry.."
I pull away and say," Are you dense or just an idiot!"
Kamio recoils in shock and I say,"I've loved you for so freaking long and you always push me to the side! Open your damn eye's Akira-Kun!!"
After that I run home crying past Fuji, Tezuka, Ryoma Kippei, and Yuuta. One home I run upstairs passing my mom and dad and start crying into my pillow. The next day when school's out from Hyotei I go back to the street courts and start hitting balls around until the other's show up. Yukimara comes over to me and we talk a little bit. I blush as Yuki-kun confesses to me. He stops me before I can reject him and tells me to think. He then kisses my cheek and leaves me be. I blush brightly and nod to thinking about it. I then see Kamio-kun show up. He glares and I walk to go start working on my new moves. I then see Ryoma-Kun and ask him to play with me. He nods and says," If it gets me away from the lovebirds. "
I giggle and pat his hair saying," You'll be that way soon to! I'm a Senpai, trust me."
He pulls his hat down and I just giggle. We then go on to a court and I start us with a slight warm up of lobs and Volley's after stretch's. Ryoma was impressed. He then started going harder shots like the moon volley, Drive A and more. I was able to hit some and practice my shots. By the end I got one down and it went past Ryoma in a blink of an eye. I called it the dragon's breath. It was a very strange bounce but you could only see a flicker of the steam. Ryoma and I then cleaned up. I then turn and say," Ryoma-kun want to get some Burger's. My treat!?"
He looks at me and nods. We walk to get something to eat. Along the way we catch Ann, Momo and Kamio in another fight. I go past with Ryoma and run into my father. He smiles and helps me up. He notice's Ryoma and says," Ooh, (Y/N)! You forgot your allowance for the week."
I squeak and open my wallet and sure enough I did. He takes my wallet and puts yen in. He hands it back and I say,"Arigato Oto-chan."
He smiles and pats my head. I then run with Ryoma to get something to eat. Once at the fast food joint I order our food. I look in my wallet to find the money I gave to -san for my train ticket and to buy me a few expensive this. I giggle, you see I try not to ask my parents for anything and if I need extra money I'll work extra chores around the house. I hand the lady the yen and go sit down. Ryoma grabs a burger a drink and fries. I sit and eat and talk in between with Ryoma. He likes teasing me. When Ann, Momo and Kamio come in we just finished. Kamio then says," There's Ryoma and (Y/N). Can I please hang out with Ann?"
I kiss Ryoma's forehead and walk out stealing his hat. He blushes and goes to pull his hat down and sees me walking out with it. He then says," Hey Senpai!!!"
I giggle and run off. Ann says," Well better help Ryoma."
Ryoma chases me and I giggle getting him and the others to give chase. I then duck into a small Yusrei. I pause and notices a man behind me. I let out a squeak. He smiles and says," Do not be alarmed , I have been waiting for you. Please take a seat."
I sit as he comes back with tea. He hands me a glass and says," I have seen much for your life Miss (Y/L/N). You will find love, but this love will not be enough to fill your heart. Only the one you truly love will be able to fill your heart. Do not be lead ashtray from the hurt and pain, either. This is all I can tell you."
I nod and stand as I leave. Once outside I open my bag for my wallet and see all my money and Ryoma's hat. I then walk to the music store and grab some new CD's. Ryoma and the other's see me walk by kind of out of it. Once I grab a few I see a psychic shop and go into it. I see crystal's aligning the walls and decks of cards and books. A young woman came over and says," Such a strong energy from you. What are you looking for?"
I look at her and say," I don't know to be honest my feet guided me here. The woman smiles and says," Have you ever been blessed dear at a temple?"
I then say," Yes, the tenple guardian said he would like to wash me in name of the God's and Goddess's. He said I was special and that was all."
Just then the door opens and I see Ryoma and the other's. The woman comes over with a few books, charm's, amulet's, and chooses two boxes of cards. She only rung up a few things and it read 2000 yen that I paid. Once out, I hand Ryoma his hat again and head home. Once home mother and father stare at my bag. I set it down and they open it. Their eyebrows raise and I get a drink. I then say," I was playing with my friends and I came out with a psychic telling me my life fortune and love fortune and then went there like my feet had a mind of it's own. So I'll look into it. That temple guard did say, I was special."
Both nod and let me be. The next day I got a ticket for the bullet train. Kamio watched me and got a ticket and jumped on. I sit looking out the window looking at my charm from the temple all those years ago. Once the train stops I get off and unknown to me Kamio does to. I walk around town and then head to the temple on the outskirts. I knock on the door and it opens, the monk then says," Ahhh, my dear we have been waiting for the two of you for a few days."
I cock my head and Kamio comes out. I sigh as we head in. The monk and I sit and talk about everything lately that has happened. He then says," My dear, that man has told you what to do concerning your heart. The rest is taken care of for you, just follow your heart and your path. Love doesn't have the right or wrong that we believe it does. If it feels right love him. If it feels wrong then don't. You will know what is right for you when you are ready."
I nod as the old monk smiles and pats my head. He then says, " I see you have been studying the special power you have, let it be a guide and not rule your life. You are not fit to be a Miko."
I smile, nod and bow. We then leave. I then turn to Kamio and say,"How dare you follow me!"
Kamio then says," Then tell me why you are avoiding me!"
I then say," Why don't you just go back to being the puppy following Ann like before! You don't care about me!!"
I run away and run into Yukimara. He holds me tightly, as I cry it all out. He then see Kamio and glares at him. Kamio then says," I'll take her home."
Yuki nods and then says," Take care of her or I will and you'll lose her Kamio."
He gets us back on the bullet. Luckily the last one for the night. I had fallen asleep, but I guess Kamio had picked my phone up due to me being home. Once downstairs I smile as I eat. I then hear other footsteps and jerk around to see Kamio. I pause and he says," I brought you home and your parent's called mine saying that I would be staying the night. I called Ann and told her that I think we should just stay friends because I found a girl worth my time to date. That is if she'll have me?"
He walks over to me and says," Will she have me?"
I then say," Baka, of course she will!!"
He smiles and kisses me. In that instance I knew I had chosen right and my world would be perfect. But for now I just want to have fun and be ourselves.


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