Crying (happy)

14 1 4

So guys

I'm just going through my old stuff to make room for my lil sis sharing my room, and I found this in one of my old note books... Looking at the page behind it says that I wrote it when I was 8, and leaving my first of three primary schools.

Now I'm not saying you have to read all of this, in fact I don't care if nobody ever does. And I know I know, I haven't updated this book in a while, but I'll get back on track now~!

Anyway, to keep it brief, my first two primary schools I was bullied in, but the first one I always felt was the worst. Sure, I had my friends, but then I lost the only ones I had, because the guys that bullied me became friends with them, so I never wanted to go near them. And the teachers were useless- they never helped, no matter what we told them (I remember recently me and mum read the letter she sent to the school... Damn she was protective XD)

So yeah. I was "Alown with no one to play with", as stated in the pic

But the main reason I'm putting this up here, is because I'm nearly twice the age I was when I wrote that, and honestly I just started crying (about to now), but not because I was sad. It just helped me realise how far I've come now, I used to be SUCH a cry baby (hey, Marlina Martinez uploaded a song called that yesterday... Good timing) back then, but now... Well, one of my friends says I'm pretty tough, but that's besides the point.

I'm getting distracted so I'll skip to the point. Fact is, since joining wattpad and generally being on the Internet has made me so grateful for the amazing people I've met, talked to, rped with, done art with (well, you know who you are) and even just having a one-off comment section chat with, since then I don't feel so alone, and even outside of the Internet I've more confidently acted more of my crazy and loud self that I've always wanted to show, because I know that there are others out there I can make laugh doing so. I even found that there's barely anyone who cares about when I'm like that (well, a few exemptions but screw them. They're fun to throw burns at).

So I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who I've ever talked to at any level here, online, or not at all- even the people who just read the random crap I post, you guys are all awesome and I don't think I'd ever get the confidence to really be me if it wasn't for you all.

You guys are the first people that I thought of when I started writing this chappie, and there are loads more people out there but I probably won't remember till just after I've published this. So yeah

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