The troubles of today prt2

27 4 2

Dracia: *ill*


Dracia: *has to do the washing up before eating breakfast cause there's no bowls* *finishes washing up and realises there's no cereal but cornflakes and is the only person in the world that hates cornflakes* *eats toast*


Dracia: *home alone with nobody but sister who's five years younger*

Sis: *walks in* there are two boys knocking on the door.

Dracia: ignore them.

Sis: *starts walking away*

Dracia: wait, stay in here cause if you walk between the space between our rooms they will see your silhouette and know someones in.

Boys: *stay there for the next ten mins then sped another ten mins apparently fighting each other*


Dracia: *has to do the washing up a second time.*


Dracia: mum, can I have the last slice of cheese cake? It's such a small slice and the plates really annoying me taking up so much space.

Mum: yeah, sure

Sis: but it's my birthday cake! *complains despite already having eaten 3 slices*

Dracia: *starts eating slice on the couch*

Sis: *siting next to Dracia and giving a speech on how much she wants to eat it*

Dracia: *saves a bit because she's a nice person and puts plate in front of sis*

Sis: ... what

Dracia: you want some cheese cake, right?

Sis: just a little bit *takes a pinch of biscuit from the base*

Dracia: -_- your complaining like that and when I actually offer you a bit that's what you take?

Sis: alright then *takes a pinch of jam (or whatever's on the 'cheese' part idk the anatomy of a cheesecake)*

Dracia: -_- *eats the rest* your so annoying


Goo parts of the day: the fact that I discovered that going on youtube on my laptop means there's autoplay and I've spend the whole day in my awesome poncho-blanket-thingy-idk

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