Fight the Battle, Win the War

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Mike & Layne ❤️❤️❤️ R.I.P.

^^^Mike looks freaking IRRESISTIBLE in this photo omfg!!!

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

^^^Mike looks freaking IRRESISTIBLE in this photo omfg!!!

I thought it would take me longer to update but then BOOM random ideas lol.


The three of them veered through the trails & into the grass.  Briana was taking lead, walking at a brisk pace as she carefully criss-crossed past the tomb stones.  When she finally found the one she was looking for, she immediately fell to her knees & hugged the hunk of marble.  Tears streamed down her face.

"Happy birthday, mom," she whispered.  Her hand swept across the chiseled in lettering.  Her face was turning red from trying her best not to break down bawling.

Layne got down on his knees next to her and wrapped his arms tight around her, the bouquet of violets and lilies still in his hand.  "It's gonna be okay, babe, I'm here for you," he whispered in her ear.  He bit back his own tears when she started breaking down sobbing.  His calloused hand rubbed her back lightly as he turned up to share a look with Mike.

Mike just stood there with his arms crossed awkwardly.  His sunglasses concealed his eyes so no one could see how uncomfortable he actually felt.  He wanted to be supportive, but watching all of this made his own thoughts darker.

Briana slipped her purse off from her shoulder & pulled out a folded note from it.  She pressed a kiss onto the paper before grabbing a rock & setting the letter down next to her mother's tomb stone.  She nodded at Layne, queuing him to help her stand up.

Layne kissed her & wiped the tears from her eyes.  "You okay, Bre?"

She puffed out air & shrugged.  "I'm used to it," she muttered.  "Just really miss her at times..."  Those green eyes quickly glanced over at Mike.  She could tell he was getting triggered by all of this.  She turned back to Layne & gripped his hand.  "Let's head back.  I gotta be at work in the next hour."

Layne nodded & started heading back with her to their car.  His eyes kept wavering back at Mike.  He knew something was stewing in him.  He could tell that watching Briana get upset like that made him worse, but he didn't want to leave Mike alone at the house.  He didn't know if he would call one of his 'friends' to give him a ride to go out & score.

On the drive home, Briana blasted the radio.  She wasn't in the mood to talk about her mother.  She might be five years clean, but that doesn't mean she isn't an addict anymore.  The death of her mother was her main trigger.  Talking about it would only make it worse.

When they got back, Briana quickly got ready.  She tied her hair tight up in a bun & already had her scrubs on.  Layne tried to coax her into eating the dinner he had made for her before leaving, but she refused.  She was too upset to eat.

"I love you," Layne said to her at the doorway.  He kissed her softly on her cheek, rubbing her shoulder.  "If anything happens or if you get upset, don't be afraid to call home, okay?" he asked her, his light blue eyes softening.  "I'm worried about you..."

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