Group Therapy

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After breakfast, Layne followed Nicky around like a sad lost puppy.  She seemed to be the only person that was somewhat sane in this psych / rehab unit.  Yeah, she had an eating disorder & drug addiction, but Layne could at least relate to her.  The other patients in there either kept bothering him to get an autograph (followed by PCA's telling them that Layne was there to recover from his addictions, not to entertain fans) or they were like Alex...creepy & weird in the baddest way.  Of course, Alex followed around with Layne & Nicky.  The man knew that no one on the unit enjoyed his presence, but that didn't seem to phase him.  Layne was beginning to believe the freak just didn't want to be alone.

Nicky turned to Layne, wincing and pointing at a room to the left of the "lounging area" of the psych ward / rehab unit.  "This is where we have to go next...  It's group therapy."

"From your tone of voice, I'm guessing it's loads of fun," Layne said sarcastically with a smirk. His eyes were glassy and turning red.  Head was fogging over & his thoughts were finally slowing... His emotions were simple again: all he could feel was either pleasure or anger.  None of those obnoxious feelings inbetween.  He grinned wider, but made sure to keep his nasty teeth covered.  He didn't want Nicky to see how bad his addiction had deteriorated his appearance...

"Oh, you'll LOVE IT, Layne!" A PCA shouted at him, patting him hardly on the back. It made his stick-like body almost tumble over.  The PCA laughed & grabbed ahold of Layne's shoulders, getting him to stand straight again.  "Sorry about that, sometimes I forget my own strength..."

Layne smirked.  "I'll remember not to FUCK with you then, k, ummm..." he frowned & scratched his head.  "What's your name...?"

The PCA smiled, his huge muscular arms crossing over his giant pecks.  "Just call me John."  His smile faltered to a smirk, eyes slanting around the area at other patients.  "I would say I'm pretty famous around here, but I think you take the cake."

Layne rolled his eyes & turned to look at Alex.  He could tell the psycho was about to say something stupid.

"More like INfamous," Alex barked, laughing his stupid loose chuckle.

John gave him a tired look.  "You don't even like Alice in Chains...?  Then who DO you like?"

He smirked with his brows raised.  Layne glared at him, just as curious as John was.  "Well, I love Pantera--"

"Toured with them," Layne interrupted, smiling.  "Phil's a fun guy.  Actually could keep up with me when we went to my own bus and shot up together."  He winked at the PCA, him shaking his head.

"I didn't know the lead singer of Pantera did heroin," John said, his tone chirped with amusement.

Layne laughed, nodding his head.  "Oh fuck yeah he did.  Along with other things, of course...."

"ANYWAYS," Alex spat. He shot Layne a dirty look.  Layne shrugged at him & tried his best to not burst out in laughter.  Alex then turned to Nicky, who just stood there, glaring at him like he was some derranged martian.  "I also love Tool--"

"Jammed with them as well," Layne interrupted, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his lips.  "They had a HUGE thing about acid dude, they were fucking crazy."

Alex glared at him with clenched fists. Layne just laughed, shaking his head at him.  "What the fuck dude."

Layne shrugged.  "We might've had to cancel a lot of tours.  Doesn't mean we never toured with other bands... I mean, it comes with the whole MUSICIAN thing..."

"You just think you're such a bad ass," Alex grumbled. He took a look back over at Nicky.  She just smiled up at Layne, making him burn with even more envy.

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