White is Pure

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He continued to stare longingly at the orange bottle that contained the sin. His hands were shaking, his head beginning to pulsate and vibrate his skull, aching. Suddenly, he grabbed his stomach and dropped the bottle on the bed next to Nicky.

He jolted into the restroom & vomited up bitter liquor and a bit of partially digested food. He swayed, feeling even more drunk than before, and turned to the sink. Shaky hands popped out his dentures & rinsed them off under the running faucet. He rinsed out his mouth, swishing the water around and spitting it out.

Staring into the mirror, he analyzed his drunk red eyes. Hot tears were still oozing down his thin face. His fingers felt around his mouth & sighed. A surge of sadness overwhelmed him like usual when he stopped to think about how he was only 34 years old and had already lost all of his teeth.

Popping his dentures back in, he slowly walked back to the bed. He tried to cover his face to stop himself from looking at the bottle of smack that laid upon the mattress. He sobbed, shaking.

Nicky rubbed his back, her eyes wide and twitching. She was tweaking like crazy considering she got ahold of 60 mgs of instant release adderall earlier that day & just recently shot up Crystal.

"I figured since I did it you'd want to..." She started, watching Layne as he peeked at her through his sweaty fingers. "Just one last time, you know?" She stammered. Her eyes wandered around the room rapidly. She scratched at her neck, looking back at him. "One last time..."

Layne's face crinkled in a mixture of sorrow and anger. He looked back down at the bottle of H again, wetting his lips. He shook his head & turned to his tweaked out girlfriend.

"Hasn't it sunk into your THICK SKULL yet that it's always going to be JUST ONE LAST TIME?!" He shouted through tears. "I know you're 26, but you state you've been an addict for quite some time. Don't you realize the fucking insanity of FUCKING UP LIKE THIS?!" He huffed, glaring back down at the prescription container. "I don't know what to fucking do now!" He exclaimed as he held up the bottle of powder, almost seeming to cradle it in his hands. He sniffled back more tears, eyeing Nicky down. "WHY DID YOU BRING THIS HERE?!"

She got up from the bed & paced around the room, her face in her hands. Her eyes were still wide, almost seeming to bulge from her face. "I...I just thought...I--"

"Jesus CHRIST, Nicky, how much fucking speed are you on?!" Layne intruded, his voice thick with disgust. "You're tweaking your ASS OFF."

She smirked & gave him a shit eating grin. "Would be great if I COULD get this ASS off!" She barked, gesturing her arms to her back side.

Layne rolled his eyes. "Don't even start with that shit, Nicky, you look GREAT. Before, you looked like a fucking ghoul, okay?! I had to close my eyes while I fucked you!!! Be happy you're attractive now!"

Her brow raised as her smirk faltered. She leaned up close to him, her lower lip quivering with disgust. "You said you loved me, yet...you couldn't even look at me during sex?!" She shrieked. She held her head & spun away from him. "I didn't realize how PIG HEADED you were! WOW!"

"Stop manipulating the situation, Nicky. I was just telling you the truth," Layne slurred, eyeing the bottle of heroin. "You basically brought me death, ignorantly believing I would appreciate it. You know that?"

She sighed, falling onto the floor, glaring up at him. She suddenly smiled, cocking her head to the side. Her little hand reached up towards the bottle of H. "I will GLADLY take it back then, k?!"

Layne flinched, holding the bottle closer to him. "So you can have it all to yourself, right?!"

She laughed. "I knew you were too weak to resist it--"

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