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*~* Danny's POV *~*

I sighed. "Well, that's a wrap Paul. I think we did a good job this time. The fans are gonna love this video. I really hope they do, anyways," I blubbered.

Paul smiled and gave me a pat on the back. "They will. I know it."

Letting out another long sigh, I began talking again. "I just feel like we haven't done much for them, ya know? We do twitcams every Sunday, tweet sprees almost all the time at midnight, we go all around the world for them, but I still don't feel like it's enough."

Paul nodded. "They've done a lot right?"

I nodded. "I remember when we only had around 20,000 subscribers. Now we're at 500,000. Half a million. We're expanding, and this is great, but sometimes...I just..."

I froze for a moment, stopping the words from slipping my mouth. I was about to say "I just wish we could have someone alongside us the entire way through this."

"Just what?"

Although I knew that he knew what I wanted to say, I just told him to let it go and that it was nothing.

I grabbed my phone and sat down on the couch, logging on to Twitter. I clicked Mentions and started scrolling through the tweets, laughing and smiling through all the great things our Pointers tweeted us. Photos, tweets, links to fanfictions, it was seriously the best feeling in the whole world.

And then I saw her.

Her twitter name flashed in my mentions like if it was a bright star in the dark, nighttime sky. I felt obliged to click her tweet. It said, "Made this <3 Probably not my best but whatever, I like it. Do you ship this @epDannyEdge? #Janny." and had a picture attatchment.

I opened it up to find a photoshopped picture of me and her. I automatically clicked the reply button and typed in, "It's my number one ship #Janny." but I stopped. Fans would begin to suspect, right? I had never wanted to get a girlfriend because I was afraid fans would send her hate, or I would make my fans feel down, but at the same time I wanted someone to cuddle with me every night, to laugh at my jokes, to play games with me and kiss me, complain about how ugly she was so I could tell her in repeat how beautiful and flawless she was.

I decided to only favorite the picture. At least - I hoped, anyways - she would still feel what I felt for her.

Although I doubted she knew how much I thought of her...

And how much I wished she would be here now, wrapped around my arms.

*~* Paul's POV*~*

The recording with Danny had gone absolutely perfect, but I was waiting for the fan's reactions. I sat down on the bed with Danny's laptop in my hand. I opened it up and submitted the video to YouTube. I let it render, and went on Twitter quickly, just to check it and tell the fans about the new video.

Our fanbase had expanded a lot bigger, and more people joined by the minute. It felt amazing, but I honestly owe it all to them. If it wasn't for them, how would me and my best friend be here?

I tweeted, "New video rendering up! Psyched for you guys to check it out! RT if you're excited!"

And from then on my Mentions blew up.

I decided to check my Mentions in the meantime. I saw RTs, Favs, and some tweets. Nothing new.

At least nothing new from her.

One thing no one knew about me, not even Danny, was that I had this twitter crush. Well, everyone knew that part...but they didn't know who.

I clicked on her profile and began looking through. I smiled at everything she tweeted. She tweeted me a lot with the hashtag #Jaul which apparently was our ship name. I had tweeted her back Jaul because I had to. I hope the fans didn't suspect anything out of it though.

Now That I Found You {Exclamation Point Fanfiction}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ