“A few days ago, why?” I told him.

“I’ve known him for a long time; I think I can get you two in the same class. My name is Iruka,” He introduced himself.

“Mallow Uchiha,”

“Well, Mallow, I’ll be glad to welcome you to my class. Have you gotten permission from your parents yet?” He asked.

“My mother is okay with it, but I still have to get my dad’s opinion,” He nodded his head understanding.

“Hopefully he will be okay with it as well,” Iruka murmured.

“Yeah, hopefully.”


Naruto randomly showed up around noon and smiled at me sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

“So…What did your parents say?” He asked me.

“One out of two. Mother said yes; father is still unknown.” Short and Simple. I didn’t want to explain the situation in depth so I said enough.

“Alright! School starts soon and maybe we can get into the same class!” He exclaimed.

“I already took care of it. I met a person named Iruka. He said he can get us in the same class,” I told him, “Besides, my father might not even say yes. I don’t know him. I can’t even predict what he might say.”

“Well, we’ll hope for the best,” I told him.

A young feminine voice was calling out. “Mallow?” she yelled. From around a building, Kyoku came looking for me. When she saw me, she ran towards Naruto and I, “Mom sent me to find you, you need to come home now. Daddy wants to talk to you about something,” I looked to Naruto and he grinned. I nodded to Kyoku and went with her, following her home after waving good bye to Naruto.


At home, Father and Mother were in the lounge room waiting for Kyoku and me.

“You want to become a Kunoichi, Mallow?” My father asked me. I assumed Kunoichi was Shinobi as anything else wouldn’t pertain to the situation.

“Yes father.” I told him.


The question stumped me. Why did I want to become a Shinobi? Because of Naruto? Because it seemed like fun? I couldn’t tell him that. What did mother say? Honorable? What’s another reason? To show that I can? Does that sound like a good reason? I could tell he was getting impatient with my answer.

“To bring honor to our family and to show that I am capable of doing so,” I told him, holding my straight face as well as I could. He nodded, seemingly approving of my response.

“Then you have my permission to join Konoha’s Ninja Academy.” I smiled and looked to my sister, Kyoku. She didn’t understand how wonderful this was! I was so excited! I wanted to run back to the academy and tell Naruto so bad! “But,” He continued. “I want you to take and support your sister,” Who cares! I’m happy!

“Okay!” I exclaimed.

“But dad,” Kyoku finally spoke, “I don’t want to become a Kunoichi,” She was upset, and she was visibly chewing on her bottom lip.

“And why is that?” he asked her.

“I wanted to become a flower shop owner,” she said in a low voice, “and I fear of losing my life on missions,” she told him. He sighed.

“Well I can’t force you, but if that is your goal in life, you must reach there on your own.” She nodded. Her face was still solemn. This family was confusing.

Father dismissed us and I was about to run to the academy, but as I sped out the door I collided into something.

“Ugh,” I sounded, “I don’t remember there being a wall in front of our door…” I groaned. The door grunted and I looked up. A young Uchiha boy, probably a bit older than me was on the ground rubbing the side of his forehead, “Oh.” I said. “Sorry about that,” The boy seemed to pout as he looked up at me. He had the usual raven black Uchiha hair color, and a few lockes fell in the front, and the back flailed out, much like

“Yeah…” he groaned. I jumped up onto my feet.

“Sorry, I’m sort of in a hurry, have to go to the Ninja Academy!” I yelled to him as I ran away to tell Naruto. The boy just laid there staring from afar at me, until an older Uchiha boy helped him up.


“Naruto!” I screamed as I got closer to him, he jumped at the sound of my voice, “I’m going to become a Ninja with you!!” I practically cried out. I was so happy. He smiled bigger than ever a hugged me for a split second.

“Yeah!” he joined into my cheering, “Let’s go tell Old Man Hokage!” He exclaimed and pulled me off to an unknown location. On the way there, people continued to glare, and I’m sure they were going to get used to me being with Naruto. We arrived at an abnormally tall round building. I distinctly remember the annoying stairs as we had to go up four stories of them. Finally we reached the door we had to go into and Naruto just burst right in.

“Old Man! Look! This is Mallow!” Naruto exclaimed excitedly, “She’s the one who’s going to join the academy with me, so can you enroll her?” He asked him.

“You need to go speak with a man named Iruka, he will enroll her, but I can tell you where he is.” The Hokage was a very old man, his face was wrinkled and his white hair stood straight up in an awkward spike.

“I’ve already spoken to a man named Iruka, he asked if I wanted to enroll but I didn’t have my dad’s consent yet, but now I do.” I told him. He nodded.

“Well, I can either send you to find Iruka, or have him sent here. Which is it you prefer?” He asked. Personally, I didn’t want to go find someone in this huge village. I’m new here, and would probably get lost in seconds.

“We can go find him Old Man, so see you later,” Naruto exclaimed and I mentally groaned.  Naruto again pulled me out of the room and into the huge, mysterious village.

“You’re going to check the academy, right?” I yelled over to him as we ran.

“Nah, I’m going to check Ichiraku’s first.”


Naruto obviously knew exactly where to look, because sitting at that ramen bar was Iruka.

“Iruka-sensei!” Naruto exclaimed.

“Naruto?” He responded, “…and Mallow.” He added when looking to me.

“I’m enrolling,” I smiled at him.

Retrograde Amnesia - A Naruto FicWhere stories live. Discover now