letter 5

109 10 1

crush vs. like

crush is just a cute word for lust. it's based on looks, and you can crush on someone once you've seen or met. really innocent and pretty safe.

like is when you've actually talked to them, and started developing feelings for them. you started to get to really know them, and you started liking them. not really safe, can fall in love.



it's safe to say

that i've long since passed the point of no return.

there's no denying this feeling.

it's not love,

not yet i don't believe.

but it's more powerful than just a crush.

i see your quirks

your faults

and i still think of you.

is it your virtues?

your mannerisms?

your looks?

why do i gloss over the bad

and see the good?

this feeling i have

it's more than a simple crush.

it's deep.

it's complex.

it's powerful.

is it love?

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